Chapter 15- Legend

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Amidst the thousand applicants, gossips were to be heard.

"Hey, I heard the legendary Agent X is back."

"Agent X is back."

"She wasn't exiled?"

"I don't know. There she is"

A beautiful, elegant lady in a black suit with black heels suddenly came walking towards Jay and Bobby.

"A-agent X..." Bobby greets and bows.

Agent X smiles and says.

"Thank you for your hardwork Bobby."

"What do you mean seonbae?"

-seonbae is what you call a senior from work or school-

"I'm just saying, you've worked hard"

"Seonbae..." Jay with little tears in his eyes calls out. Agent X's attention came to Jay.

"Why are you crying?" She laughs.

"I don't know. I thought you were exiled."

"Why do you think that?"

"Wern't you betrayed by your husband? And it said in the rule book that if a Xanatos loves, we must never be betrayed."

"Such a rule never existed."

"What do you mean?"

"You won't really be exiled. You'd be given a secret mission."

"What's your mission?"

"To protect my one and only family secretly."

"You mean B.I" bobby asks, at the same time Ju-ne comes in.


"How did you do that?" Chan asks.

"It's a secret. If I tell you, I'll really be exiled." She laughs.

"Calling agent X to the main office. Calling agent X to the main office"

"Then, I'll see you guys." And she hugged each one of them.

"But seriously Bobby, why are you and Ju-ne awkward to each other again" Song asks.

"What?" Bobby walks to Ju-ne and hugged Ju-ne's shoulder.

"We're not awkward" he chuckles. Ju-ne smiles.

"Then... Let's just enjoy today and know alot of our soon to be juniors okay?" Says Chan.

- at Xanatos' office -

"Well, welcome back Agent X." He smiles.

Agent X smiles "Don't flatter me. Agent X is your title, thank you for letting me use it."

"Just live with it."

"No, can't I go back to my family?" She says with a frown.

"You still can't. Tell me. Why is the file encrypted?"

"I... I didn't think that you'd find it first before the big four."

"Well, you know me."

She chuckles.

"Then, let this organization know who we are. Let's not hide it anymore. Can we?"


"They need to know it."

"You know it's not easy."

A sudden knock on the door was heard

"Come in" Xanatos replies.

Jay's face popped up in the half opened door.

"Mr. Xanatos we need you outside. We can't handle all of it."

"Okay. I'll come out. You go first"

Leaving the door a little bit open by mistake, he was supposed to be gone but he suddenly heard Agent X speak that made his breath stop.

"Honey, they need to know that you're B.I's father. That I'm B.I's mother. B.I needs us."

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