Chapter 41- Epilogue 3

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Omegaverse version: Epilogue 3 (JunHwan)
Long chapter ahead, please do expect errors ahead. Love ya'll.
Jinhwan's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I heard the loud breeze from our open terrace. The curtains blew to the direction of our bed. I felt the warmth of my husbands body as his arms wrapped around my small frame. I looked at his fingers, his biceps, his arms, I still can't believe I'm so inlove with this man.

He nuzzled his head onto my back that made me wince in pain. He kissed a part of my arched back with his warm and soft lips. "Sorry, didn't notice you had scratches from last night"

I turned around to face him, the sun shined perfectly unto his skin- making his brown eyes brighter and more vivid. I placed a soft kiss on his chin as I felt him smile. "I love you"

"Are you hungry? I wanna sleep in a bit more before I fix breakfast" He cuddled unto my back this time, I did not mind the pain. I wanted my love to enjoy this moment. My pale hands reached out for his cheek, our noses touch as I lean my face closer to his.

"Let's just order from somewhere, you look tired"

He looks up to me and smirks, "Tired? Me? Look at you, hon, I'm sure you can't even walk" he chuckles as he ruffles my hair, fixing it after. I looked at him annoyed.

"Alright, alright" he surrenders, "Let's get take out from somewhere. Let's take a shower first"

I nod my head. I was planning to take a shower after him, but after he wore his boxers, he crawled up to me again and laid on top my chest. "Let me help you" his hands slid under my legs and my body, he started to carry me bridal style to the bathroom. I drapped my hands over his shoulders, I started to tremble from the cold as I was not wearing anything but my underwear.

"You look beautiful with all these marks in your skin" he smiles at me as he lays me down the tub and kisses my forehead.

It has been a few days since we did it, since we decided to build our own family. I started to get upset, I want to get pregnant now but it's just not happening.

"Love, I'm home!" I rush to greet my husband at the door, opening it slowly. He hugs me tightly as if we had not seen each other for years and then kisses me torridly on the lips.

My stomach started to get upset and it felt like something was building up inside my chest, like it was crawling into my throat. I immediately ran to the bathroom with Ju-ne looking at me worriedly. My body wanted to puke but nothing came out, I felt nauseous, like everything was spinning and I soon fainted from standing too long.

I woke up with the smell of disinfectant and sirens wailing from afar. My eyes were a bit blurry as I opened them hastily.

Ju-ne's POV

I felt his hands twitch in mine, I looked up to him with teary eyes. "Baby, you okay?" I ask him with worry evident in my tone.

He tried to sit up but he couldn't because of the pain in his hips. We overdid it again last night. I assisted his back as I helped him sit down, my dad had him admitted at a VIP ward, he was more worried about his son-in-law when I should be worrying about him more because he's my wife.

Dad made Jinhwan go through alot of tests even though he was just nauseous. As soon as he sat up, the doctor opened the door, greeted us with a smile as if he had good news, and went up to us.

"Mr. Koo, do you still feel any pain?" My wife winced as he tried to move around.

"Yeah, at my hips, back, knees, and shoulders"

"We've taken care of the scratches on your back, but we suggest to tone down the nightly activities" the doctor quotes and unquotes the word nightly using his fingers. "We also will not be giving you prescriptions for certain drugs like aspirin"

I showed the doctor a puzzled look, "Why? Then my wife would just endure the pain?" I almost shouted at him. I'm worried sick.

"Mr. Koo, it will be bad for the baby"

I held my wife's hand in excitement, looked at him as I grinned widely and saw his eyes glimmer at the news.

"B-baby?" I stuttered.

"Yes, baby" the doctor chuckles. "Mr. Koo Jinhwan, you're pregnant! Congrats, to you both!"

"We're going to be parents!" I exclaim as I hugged the shit out of my wife.

Jinhwan's POV

It's been months and my husband has been a huge help during my pregnancy, I'm often guilty for waking him up in the middle of the night just because I crave something. But, he had always woken up with a smile on his face. I hope we'd always be like this, because I know that taking care of a baby requires more sleepless nights.

Where is he anyway. I snuck myself into the kitchen with my heavy baby bump, I wanted to fix myself some chocolates or sweets, anything. Urgh, I've been craving! My husband has been a huge help with my cravings but one thing he didn't let me do, eat an unbalanced diet! A maid always prepared my food and I was not allowed in the kitchen. Was allowed to eat a piece of sweets only for one time per day. And I've always craved for it every minute of the day.

I got up on a wooden stool, enough for me to reach the cabinet on top of our fridge to get some milk chocolate, I reached out my hand as my eyes sparkled at the sight of the chocolate covered in tinfoil.

I don't know what it is, but I felt a sudden unbearable pain in my tummy! I'm having my baby! It started to hurt too much that I wailed out in pain. "Mr. Kim! Mr. Kim! Help me!" I shout for my secretary. He rushed towards me and immediately helped me down the stool. The wooden floor was wet when I got down. "Mr. Koo, your water broke! I need to get the director!" He soon let go of my hand to run but I catched his sleeves at the right moment.

"Dumbass, use your" I struggle as I shout in pain "w-walkie talkie to call t-the guards outside! Ugh" I breathed out heavily "T-take me to the hospital a-and call my husband on t-the way!"

I heard his walkie talkie buzz "This is secreatry Kim, this is Secretary Kim, The Director's wife is going to give birth. Prepare the car and call for the Director"

"Urgh! I-its gonna c-come out. Bring me to the hospital!"

I was shaking, scared, this is my first time and I don't know what I would do. The guards took out the cars' sirens and escorted me faster and safely to the hospital.

"Mr. Koo, I'm Dr. Choe let me do the ultrasound"

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