Chapter 14- X Rules

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"'The Xanatos' have you heard about it? Do you know anything about it?" No one dared to speak.

"I am, Xanatos. 'The Xanatos' is an organization composed of crime angels like you guys."

The crowd was confused.

"You're not crime angels because you will commit a crime." Xanatos laughed.

"You're crime angels because the way you died is a crime."

"Now let me continue. You guys will be training for 3 years. There's a different rule book for trainees. Let me list them down.

• You are not allowed
• to do the same thing
• that made you die

You'll be following this one and only rule until you finish your three year training, after you finish another rule will be added. Which is to be disclosed when you finish the three year training.

After the fourth year, you'll officially have missions to complete. During your training you'll be sent down again on earth, with the same memories, it will allow you to fix your mistakes, meet new people.

Mainly we give out missions about political crimes, we give justice.

Now, are you willing to be one?"

One of the crime angels raised their hand

"Mr. Xanatos, what happens when the rule is broken?"

Xanatos smirked.

"You'll be exiled from this world, from earth, and from everyones memories."

The crowd gasped.

"You're like grim reapers, except you don't fetch souls, you won't wear all black. You'll appear as a normal human being, the moment you sign the documents, you'll have a symbol embedded on your right hip, it won't be seen with the human beings naked eyes. Only your fellow Xanatos can see it.

Now if you guys don't have any more questions, then I'll---"

"Mr. Xanatos" the same voice echoed the dark endless room.

"Will we go back with our own body?"

"What's your name?" Xanatos asked.

"Dale, Mr."

"Hm. Mr. Dale, of course you won't go back with the same body, but you'll have features that'll make people recognize you. What do you want to most remembered with?"


"Think about it, and that's the only feature this organization will give you."

And Xanatos moved with an exit.

At the Xanatos organization

"We have so many applicants don't we?" Chanwoo tiredly said.

"Well, Mr. Xanatos gave a nice lecture to all the new souls" Jay who was handling all the applicants joyfully said.

Few moments later Daniel showed up.

They all did a high-five with him and did bro hugs.

"Hey man. Thought you couldn't make it." Said Donghyuk.

"Me too. But it's an important day for the organization." Bobby replied.

"How's things going on?" Song asked.

"Well, nothing much." Bobby replied.

"C'mon Bobby, you know you can't lie to me. I'm known to be very thoughtful that's why Mr. Xanatos strengthened my heart and mind so I could really feel what the other is feeling. You've got something bothering you. What is it."

"Nothing. Really" Bobby's wry reply made Song worry even more.

"I just have to stop feeling this shit and everything will be fine." Bobby thought to himself.

I'll be updating 3 chapters today and 2 more tomorrow to celebrate the 3rd Monthsarry of this book. It has gained a lot of reads and votes, please continue to support iKon and this book. I hope to see a lot of you more. If you feel this is worth to read, please recommend it to your fellow iKonics and to your fellow shippers. With lot's of love -__un_known__

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