Chapter 28- Identity Revealed

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"Chanwoo, Donghyuk, Junhone, hanbin, the rest of you come here!" Dad called us suddenly, when we got there mom and him were already sitted on the couch, holding a wine glass.

"What is it?" Yunhyeong asked.

"Well as you all know, you guys have been dating each other." Dad laughed a little then continued "Junhoe and Jay, hanbin and bobby, yunhyeong and chanwoo, DK's just happy being alone" he laughed again "So this is the time your boyfriends introduce themselves. You go first, Jay"  My boyfriend gladly smiled at me and started to talk "Well, as you all know, the name's Kim Jinhwan, you can all call me Jay. And..." he paused, he looked at me again and his eyes told me that whatever he says I have to continue to love him and trust him.

"And, I've been Junhoe's doctor ever since he's been diagnosed with schizophrenia" everyone gasped,except for my parents. Which means they knew. What the heck? Of course they knew. Why wouldn't they know my doctor.

"How can that be? Does that mean you're much older than me?" I asked my boyfriend. "Well, much older than what you imagine." He replied. "What do you mean hyung?" DK questioned.

"Well, I'm a thousand years old already, I-I'm a..." Everybody grew silent, my heart was about to explode from the suspense. I never knew all of this.

"I'm a 1000 year old dark fairy"

"I never knew we had a fairy hanging around" DK said happily in a loud voice as he draped his arms over Jay's small frame. They both laughed and little smiles were pasted on our faces.

"So, who's next?" Dad asked. Jay clung unto me as he hugged my figure. I kissed the top of his head and he tightened his grip on my body. I smiled. Just as the lovely moment was catching up to us, Bobby spoke.

"I'm, Kim Jiwon. You all know me as Bobby and Daniel for some. And, I'm and undercover agent of the interpol"

Everyone was shocked, well shocked would be an understatement, including my parents which made me more shocked. The one I loved for years, I never knew he was such a person. He hid himself very well.

Just as my thoughts end, his hand that was holding my brother's tightly was suddenly free. My brother, hanbin, ran away. He couldn't do anything but to see my brother just running out of the house.

It's been days, we couldn't contact my brother. Not anyone in our family and friends can, even his management.

I stood up tired from my bed, its time to look for him again. Just as I was about to go to the shower I got a text from Yunhyeong.

"Hey, your brother is spotted in Han River. Alone. We're going ther now, I'm with Bobby and Chanwoo. Get there as fast as you can. Bring your parents too"

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