Chapter 45- All The Love, The Xanatos

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Omegaverse version: Final Epilogue
Long chapter ahead, I gave up proof reading this since its really wrong. So I hope you guys still understand it when you encounter errors. I wrote this for 3-4 hours, started at 3 am. So, hope you guys would love this final chapter. Thank you, love you all!
3rd person POV

"Dr. Choe, Mr. Kim is on the way! Also having contractions!" The hospital was hectic, alot of emergency patients were brought to the hospital due to the accident by the intersection. To add to that, Hanbin and Jinhwan were brought to the hospital having contractions.

The stretcher carrying Hanbin was brought inside hurriedly. The two brothers said that if they were brought to the hospital to give birth at the same time, they want to give birth together. Its weird, I know. But they wanted to be together, with their husbands.

Ju-ne's POV

I rushed to the hospital as soon as I got the call. I ran and as soon as I got there, our body guards were already waiting for me by the entrance. They ran toegther with me towards the room.

I opened the door, sweat brushing against my skin and clothes. Anxiety, and being breathless was no mixed with shocked as I saw my brother and his husband, Bobby, in the room. Was I in the wrong room? But, there's my wife! Lying in pain, screaming.

"You're finally here?" Bobby greets me.

"Y-yes" I sttuter as I replied walking towards my wife. I sat beside him, holding his hand in mine. Squeezing it, wanting to tell him its going to be okay. Bobby, on the other hand, looked so calmed despite my brother looking like he can't take it anymore.

"A-are you okay?" I ask my wife who was obviously not. I didn't wait for an answer and wiped his sweat away.

Dr. Coe walked in and checked on the both of them. "Well, its soon. Before anything else, you wanted this to be on the same time, right?" they both nodded in response, "Okay, I don't want to hear any screams from the both of you. No matter how much in pain you are, you must focus on pushing and breathing"

I did not know why, but I started to fume. If they wanted to scream in pain, why couldn't they? I wanted to ask him about it, but Jinhwan squeezed my hand so bad I forgot about it. I averted my gaze to my wife who was almost crying.

"To explain, it will be a hard process and we can't have a mother who gets so tired she can no longer push. So we need you to reserve your energy for pushing and breathing instead of screaming. Alright?"

They both nodded in response. My uncle who was also a doctor came in.

"I'm the one taking care of Mr. Kim, and Dr. Choe will be taking care of Mr. Koo, shall we begin?"

Dr. Choe nodded. They both scrubbed in and sat below our wives. The nurses went into their positions and I held on tightly onto my wife's hand. He squeezed it tight everytime he pushed, not making any sound. He scratched me quite a few times.

"One more push, Mr. Koo. One more"

Dr. Choe says, the room was hot, and my wife was crying in pain. My hand had turned red from all the pain it took. Oh if I could only take away his pain right now. I'd do it. He pushed one more time.

"Baby out. April 23, 4:20 am"

I was relieved its finally finished. He was no longer in pain.

"Ready for the second one?"

Did I hear it right? Second one? Was he pregnant with twins?! Why didn't he tell me?!

"Mr. Koo, it was meant to be a surprise for you. We intentionally kept it. Now, we need your wife to push. Stop looking so confused!"

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