Chapter 18- Family secret

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Three simultaneous notification sounds were heard from Ju-ne, Chan, and DK's phones. The message reads

From: Dad

Come home at 10 we need to talk. The three of you.

They all looked at each other with nervous eyes.

It was already seven thirty pm

"Let's take different cars shall we?" Ju-ne smirked

"Then, let's do that. But aren't we called later at ten hyung?" Chan asks Ju-ne

"I still have to visit Bobby." Ju-ne says

"If you're going to visit your boyfriend why do you not look happy at all?"  DK asks

"I'll explain everything later."

"Come on hyung, don't bother him more." Chan says with a cute voice

Ju-ne waved at them and said "Then I'll meet you guys later."

Chan and DK both smiled as Ju-ne got inside the car and waved.

"Hey Chan, what do you think is wrong with him?" He said as he follows Ju-ne's car with his eyes

"I don't know." Chan shrugged his shoulders.

-9 pm-

"Hey! Let's go now! Dad is waiting" DK shouts

-at their house-

They both entered the house and their maid shouted "Mr. Xanatos! The little masters are here already!"

Xanatos came down from the stairs as his eyes were filled with nervousness and sadness.

He hugged both of his children and asked "Where's Ju-ne?"

"Ohh... Hyung? He went to his boyfriends house first." Chan says with a smile.

"Bobby?" Xanatos asks

"Yes, dad." DK nods and smiles

"Bobby must not be taking care of your brother well, Ju-ne looks sad these days." Xanatos hisses

"C'mon dad, hyung can take care of himself." Chan says

"Then let's have dinner first as we wait for him"

A few minutes past and Ju-ne arrived, he greeted his father and his brothers.

"Since you've arrived let me tell you about why I asked you guys here."

"But dad, where's mom? We never had a meeting without her." Ju-ne asks.

"She has some business."

"What business?"

"Forget it. Well... You know that we adopted a child of our fallen death-crime angel right?"

They all nodded

"He suddenly went missing and I just found out that... He's the head of our new sub unit 'The DNA' you guys know that 'The DNA' doesn't know anyone from the Xanatos, they were just briefed about our organization."

They all gasped

"You've kept our family a secret, I hope you can keep this as a secret too."

He pauses and continues

"He has the final code, and I don't why he has it if he's the head of the DNA why didn't he give it?"

"But dad... I think you knew even before the sub unit was put up." Ju-ne puts down his spoon and fork.

Xanatos nods "you're right. I just couldn't find the time to tell you."

Ju-ne got upset and stood up and stomped all the way to his room.

The shocked look on DK and Chan's face was never erased as they excused themselves to go up to their rooms too.

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