Chapter 33- Decoding 2

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The screen appeared as white. A message slowly showed.

"If you get even a letter wrong, the whole program will shut down and would take another 1 day and a half to restart. If, it does shut down, you must now leave the computer and monitor it, once the program turns on again you must enter the code given by agent Kim, take note. You have to do that as soon as the program opens. If not, it would shut down again. Goodluck, our crime angels."

After that, the first question popped up.

"For Kim Hanbin, when was the first time that you met Jiwon?" how could hanbin know that? Even I don't know that. It's been years, even a decade I guess?

"I know the answer" Yunhyeong slowly walked to the laptop and typed. The day he typed, I don't even know of that day. Neither does Hanbin. He typed in Goryeo Era.

Everyone in the room looked at him with faces masked with a huge question mark. "I introduced you guys that year. I'm Song Yunhyeong the god of love, at your service." Then he smiled. This whole day of decoding sure is giving us a lot of surprises.

Just after Yunhyeong answers, the screen showed us a painting. A painting of me and hanbin in the Goryeo Era.

We waited for 30 minutes until a new question popped up.

"Bobby, I want you to close your eyes. Hanbin, please hand him a pen and a paper and Read this to him."

I heared him read it slowly, "Write the first 4 letters that come to mind as soon as you hear this"

So I did. I opened my eyes and on the paper were 4 letters, SMTM. A voice over from the same file qucikly ran through ny ears. "Bobby, a trainee under YG entertainment, had made history by being the youngest and the first ever idol to win Show Me The Money"

I was left in shock, the voice over told us that it was a rapping competition. I have no interest in it at all.

A new video popped up, a beautiful woman was centered at the frame.

"Bobby" she called my name.

"How is life there, my son? Must be hard. You guys did well by finishing this decryption. Come back soon, my son" and the sceen was pitch black again. A map soon showed, it was a tracker and the man with the tracker is moving. All the screens inside the room was opened suddenly, some I didn't even know were working.

It was cameras all around were the guy might be. I spotted him in a screen that said "South Africa camera 1"

We got him.

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