Chapter 35- Will You?

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I stopped my long strides and he stopped right behind me. "Why" I breathed in sharply "Why am I doing this?" I just lashed out him. He shrugged his shoulders as I kicked the car's wheels. Just why in the world am I with this serieal killer? Trusting him that easily.

"You better be serious about everything you just said. I'm betting everything I have here for my man!"

"Rest assured. Send someone to the Philippines, I'm not sure where because you caught me even before I could get the location and trashed my phone. I'm sure somwhere in Luzon, a city. You'll find a body there. With the killer's real DNA" He emphasizes on the "Real" word before patting my shoulders.

"Are you kidding me?! That's too wide! Get in the car first. Let's talk about this later. And I'll get someone to fix your phone."


He gets in the car and so did I. We left for the Xanatos headquarters, they're the only people I can trust right now.

It has been 24 hours, no news form the Philippine Police. I'm getting nerveous by the minute. I kept on tapping my nails unto the table that created the only noise in the room.

"Jiwon-ah! They really found an body. They did an autopsy and they found DNA that was not in the Philippine's database. They sent it here and results will come out any minute now" What Dad just said brought me relief. I guess what I should be doing tonight, will be done tonight.

In the torture of waiting, the fax machine has now started working. Printing files. I know, who would still be using fax machines now. We do, we still do.

"Yah! Results came out positive, the DNA was really from someone in interpol!"

I know, its too easy to trust the serial killer, he might have staged it but I need this. I need to be safe for my man, I need to be able to protect him. With every ounce of happiness, excitment and courage that has not yet left my body I ran to Hanbin, long and fast strides.

He was outside, taking in the wonderful view. I didn't beat around the bush abd knelt down infront of him. This may not be the most romantic and well planned proposal but I can't wait any longer.

"Kim Han Bin, I know, I'm no match for you. I did lots of things to hurt you but this time, I want to make everything right. Would you do the honor of spending your whole life with me? Forever?"

He went mum. Didn't show any reaction, didn't make a sound. I thought I was rejected, not until a tear started to fall from his eyes. I smiled. He was trying to hide the fact that he was extremely happy.

"I- I do! I would!" He excitedly said, his eyes must have been blury from the tears. I slipped the ring in his finger and stood up, hugged my soon to be husband tight.

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