Chapter 37- Once Again

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"My love, our story has had its ups and downs but I promise, with this ring we no longer would have the downs. Tonight is an exemption," He paused, I looked at him confused but he gave me a smirk. He's gonna say something weird and embarrassing.

"Because I'm going to go down hard on you tonight" damn, I think I'm gonna call this wedding off right here right now. How can he say that infront of my parents and not be embarrassed?!

"I'm kidding everyone," he laughs, "But, I really do promise to love you, forever. You'l be my forever home, my moon and sun, my galaxy. You'll be my love" he cried a little, but I was already cring like hell.

"You don't have to hear my vow, just know that I promise you this. I will love you eternally, unti the sun sets its last sunset." I'm not good with words so that's how my vow ended up. We kissed and the ceremony ended.

We were now eating when suddenly, the lights went off. The room was pitch black, I held unto Bobby's arm. I was not scared, I swear. I just, trembled a little.

The lights went on again and soon.

Ju-ne's POV

My plan has got to work this time. I have to do it now.

With the loud beating of my heart, I stumbled my way to find my love. He was dancing, his moves swayed my eyes into beauty. I just, I have to do it now. Right here.

I made my way through this loud crowd and held his hands tightly against mine. He looked at me, asking me to dance with him. I didn't smile, which made him worry. I heaved out a sigh and he stopped dancing.

I knelt infront of him, infront of everybody. A tear slowly escaped the abyss of my eyes. I pulled out a ring, asked him to marry me.

"I... I can't imagine breathing a life without you beside me. I can't be, I will never be perfect but with this ring, a sign of our promise I ask of you, will you live your life with me forever and marry me?"

His eyes didn't find mine, I don't know what he felt, what he feels. But, his frame soon hugged me. "I-I will marry you" He whispers unto my ears, softly. As if asking that I should be the only one hearing.

I stood up and hugged him, he was crying with a smile pasted on his lips. I soon slipped the ring unto his finger, please don't let me go.

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