Chapter 1- Hello Mr. Park

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"It may be cliche, but the moment your lips touched mine it felt like the whole world began to be mine." Will our love be enough to be together forever despite the hindrances that may come...?

"Please... Promise me you won't leave. "

"I won't. I promise."

And just like that, everything fell apart.

~ The Present ~

"B. I, are you sure you won't be adding up more bodyguards? You told me someone was following you" the manager said.

"Mr. Kang I said I'm fine, please just don't worry about it." A little bit annoyed he answered.

"But B.I--"

"Hyung, please?"

"Urgh. What can I do? Just promise to always keep your phone on, when things get tough don't runaway again."

"I promise, Hyung"

*tok tok tok*

Three consecutive loud knocks were heard outside B.I's door. Waking up with curtains closed, half awake, he opened the door.

"Kim Han Bin-ssi? I'm Daniel Park, your 24/7 bodyguard as of today. You are ordered to comply to anything that I say and everything you see while with me is strictly prohibited to be disclosed to the public or any acquaintances."

A fine looking young man at his doorstep

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A fine looking young man at his doorstep.

"Huh? I didn't hear this from my manager."

"And I just heard this from my superior."

Daniel pushed B.I slightly, carefully assessing the work place, I mean... Home.

"Excuse me, what are you doing? Get out of here! I didn't hear anything about having a 24/7 bodyguard, always sticking around me!"

"I'm scanning the perimeter, any side that may be used for sudden or hidden attacks, looking for hidden cameras."

The fine man, looking all masculine, Daniel... Who seriously said.

"Sorry. But I was already paid for the job."

*tad tad tad*

Angry footsteps filled up the staircase.

His fingers flew away calling his manager.

"Mr. Kang, what is this?!"

"It's for your safety. Trust me on this one, B.I"

*toot toot toot*

And just like that the phone call ended.
The angry young man threw his phone hard to his bed, loud stomping noise came down, annoyed and angry B.I unknowingly raised his voice.

"Ah, seriously! Get out!"

Daniel feigned ignorance which led B.I angrier. He grabbed Daniel by the collar.

"I. Said. Get. Out! Get out!" Emphasizing on each word, Daniel didn't even bat an eye.

"Urgh!" His soft legs flopped down on the sofa, sitting with a defeated look on his face he whispers, "They don't even know what I'm really afraid of"

"Mr. Kim, you'll be late for your appointment. Your wardrobe is fixed and so is your bath."

With careful footsteps he went up. Something was off though... How was everything arranged...?

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