Chapter 40- Epilogue 2

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Omegaverse version: Epilogue 2 (JunHwan)
Long chapter ahead, please do expect errors and r18 material. Love ya'll.
Ju-ne's POV

"Since we told them, the sales are all going up. It has sky rocketed" Chan says with a wide smile on his face.

I'm happy, I finally got to tell the world who my wife is. I looked at him and saw the same smile that made me fall for him. "I love you" I say out of the blue while looking into his eyes.

He turned to look at me,  knowing him I thought he'd punch me or something. But, he smiled at me. Much more brightly than how he smiled early. "I love you more"

I can't express the feeling, I was ecstatic. But our maknae just had to ruin the moment with his words "Get a room"

I wanted to tease him for ruining the moment, so I looked at Jinhwan with the "Let's tease him" eyes. Yes, it wa sout things. We love teasing people when they get into our moment.

"Let's so it here" I say.

"Do what?" Jinhwan palys dumb with his innocent voice.

"You know, getting pregnant" I let my hand crawl his legs as I leaned forward and started to let our noses touch each other. Chan was just watching us, so I started to kiss my wife, drowning him in passion.

"Fine fine. I give up. Sorry for getting in your way! Leave now!" We both laugh as we saw the look on his face.

"Care to get us a honeymoon tickets?" I ask.

"Honeymoon tickets your ass!" Chan shouts.

I laughed at my brother and smiled. I was proud of how successful he had become, in the bumpy road where we lost ourselves, he found himself.

"Take care, brother!" I tell him, he spins his chair to look at the nigt city of Seoul, admiring its everlasting busy beauty. He waves his hand in the air, I giggled as I opened the door. Pulling Jinwhan down the hallway with a big grin on my face made me realize how lucky I was.

I stopped infron of the elevator, after I pushed the down button I looked at beautiful wife. "How can they put a flower on an hour glass, baby?" I ask. The happiness that painted his face were changed to a canvas of a huge question mark.

I smile at him, "I'll explain to you later. Let's get home first" the elevator rang and I held his hand proudly in the public. We got into the elevator and the steel door closed, I admired the beauty of his face and leaned down to kiss him.

I don't know how many times I've told him how beautiful he was and how he'd punch me for he always preffered being called sexy rather than cute. I was living my dream, a life where happiness was the only king.

We enetred the house and opened all the lights. I could not be happier coming home, seeing him, seeing my happiness. Jinhwan put  down thekeys on the table beside our door, he went in first as I followed him with my gaze.

I'm falling the deeper the more I admire his body, he was a work of art. My heart bear ran faster as his legs slowly went up to the stairs. I followed him slowly.

He unbottoned his shirt and the wine red cloth went down his porcelain skin smoothly. I can no longer control me. I rushed towards him and started kissing him, placing my hand on his nape and the other hugging his waist. He returned my kisses much more passionately. He hugged me with both his arms and kissed me, lust filled our warm mouths as I lead him towards the bed.

He moaned as his bare skin touched my clothed body. I pinned him down to the bed and started to undress, he looked at me with love and lust in his eyes.

My baby couldn't wait for me to undress, he started touching the bulge in my pants and made lewd noises that made it sound like music. I kissed his forehead down to his lips. "I love you" is all that I could say.

He unbottoned my pants and started kissing my manhood that was still left clothed. The pleasure was immeasurable. He undid my underwear and revealed my hard manhood.

"I'm going to suck it" he tells me. Before I could say anything, I felt the warmth of his mouth surround my being. He went faster, "F-fuck..
Baby..." I moan. I reached for his head and started to take the lead with his pace. He made me stop and I don't know how. "You'll cum even before you put it in. Was my mouth that good?" He looks at me in the eyes with a smile on his face.

He undressed his pants underneath me, he was so hard right now. He turned his back against me and arched it, revealing his tight asshole. He started to put in his finger, he moaned as I enjoyed the view. He continued as I hugged him from the back and started to kiss him. "Let me" I tell him. He pulled out his finger and turned to kiss me even more.

I slid one finger in and he moaned, I continued to stretch his asshole as he continued moaning. "That won't go in any deeper" He tells me, he turns to rub my hard manhood and looked me in the eyes, "Put it in, please"

I reached for the lube on the night stand and drenched my manhood witht the cold gel as I did the same with his entrance. "B-baby, fuck me hard" He moans. I thrusted at his entrance, my body turned warm enjoying the pleasure. The tight flesh that surrounded my being made me want to do it more. "I'll make sure I fuck you until you can no longer walk" I breathed heavily unto his ears that were tinged with the color of red.

"Do it, daddy"

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