Chapter 9- The meeting (end)

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In just thirty minutes the house looked like a feast for the whole town. I guess B.I wanted to prove something.

Ju-ne and Daniel came, and to B.I's slight shock, it was really a man.

B.I hugged Daniel when they just areived shocked at B.I's movement he didn't budge an inch. B.I, with a teasing glance to Ju-ne suddenly spoke.

"Oh, what's wrong HYUNG" emphasizing on hyung, he grinned slightly.

"I thought your lover wouldn't mind these kind of things."

Ju-ne and Daniel looked at each other, to Ju-ne's displease, he moved a little bit farther from Daniel.

B.I suddenly looked satisfied. Welcoming the guest he stayed behind to close the door, before even closing the doors he whispers. "I might have a chance."

"Come on, let's eat. Before the food gets cold." A wry smile was left pasted on Ju-ne's face, and a frown painted on Daniel's lips as they sat down the table.

"How long have you guys been together."

"Three years." Daniel answers.

"Woah. That's quite long."
"Can you tell me your love story?" B.I added.

"I'm not really in the mood for that." Ju-ne replies wryly.

Daniel held Ju-ne's hand under the table and looked at him, with eyes asking what's wrong.

"Fine. I'll tell you." Ju-ne utters.

Ju-ne took his hand away from Daniel's grip. Ju-ne placed both hands on the table and started talking.

B.I actually looked like a kid who was waiting to be told a bed time story.

"Well, we worked for the same company for almost six years before we began dating. Well, it started when we had an accidental kiss when we were training, when we were doing sit ups. We were always partners since the first day we entered.  After that accidental kiss, he confessed and so did I, after 3 months we began dating."

Instead of feeling the same fire burning up even hotter, both faces were pasted with depressed looks. But B.I felt like he won.

B.I told himself that he'll truly break up the two.

They started drinking, B.I offered a drink to Daniel but he refused.

"I still have to drop off Ju-ne, and... I'm gonna be staying with him."

"Oh, allright." B.I suddenly felt defeat.
"And oh, we've been here together for more than 3 hours but haven't properly introduced my self. The name's B.I."

And he reaches out his hand

"The name's Ju-ne." And they shook hands.

A few more minutes past until Daniel spoke.

"Hey, it's already forty-five minutes past nine. I'm going to drop off Ju-ne now."

"Oh, yeah sure. Till next time then."

"Oh, nice meeting you."

The drunk Ju-ne just sat quietly in the car until they got home

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