Chapter 26- All Is Well

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Ju-ne's POV

All the drama was worth it, I looked into Jay's eyes and there everything went. It was all worth it because I have him. I have him, he's mine and I'm his.

We parked outside our house, our own house. "Tomorrow, you have to come with me. They need to meet you" I told him as I opened the car's door and went out. I rushed over his side even before he could open his door, I opened it for him. I missed doing all these things for him.

"You didn't have to do that" Jay smiled at me and got out.

"But you're my wife" I chuckled. He glared at me "I told you! I don't like being called that, just call me Jay"

"B-but" Jay shut me as he placed his pointer finger on top of my lips, he kissed his finger on top of my lips and smirked, he walked away and entered out 3 story house. I followed as the guards got my bags out and parked the car.

As soon as we entered our room I kissed his lips, I missed his soft pink lips, the sweet and luscious taste. Every part of him, I wanted to touch all of it. Jay kissed me back with alot more of lust. I started to undress him and just like other times, he held my hand and squeezed it, asking me to stop. So I stopped and just kissed him, I pecked his lips and stopped.

"We've been together for years..." I loooked into his eyes, they were filled of love.

"I know but, I promised someone we wouldn't do it until I'm your final man" Jay replied, I looked at him with confusion.

"Who?" I questioned.

"Soon, babe. Soon" He patted my shoulder and walked past by me, with my hands left in it's place when I was holding him "I'm going to shower, don't join me!" He shouted from the bathroom. I took a step of defeat and walked towards our bed, it was covered with clean white sheets and a comfy comfortor.

And just like the famouse qoute from the 3 idiots movie today, all is well.

"Hey, go take a shower now!" I really don't know why I'm inlove with this guy! He never treated me like his boyfriend.

"For your information Mr. Ko, I've been treating you as my boyfriend. Just not in the way you'd want me too" he smirked, drying his hair with a towel, he looked so hot wearing that white robe over his small figure.

"You heard what I said?!" I almost shouted.

"Yeah, and also the part where I looked hot wearing this robe." My mouth sprung open and he laughed like a child. "I look hot in everything Ko Ju-ne" he smirked then winked at me. "Now go shower!"

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