Chapter 27- Faded Sun

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I have finally wrote some chapters and I am updating this to inform you guys that Chapters 8,10 and 20 are missing. I'm sorry I have no back up, I have tried to reach out to wattpad and hopefully they can help. This is the 4th time this happened, last three times all my books went missing. I hope you still enjoy this chapter! If anyone knows an app or other platform that works better than wattpad please do dm me. Loves alottttt~
I was excited and nervous at the same time. Meeting my family and the man I once loved. As I slowly walked over the steps unto our door my heart beat faster. Even before I could ring the doorbell the door opened, and there revealed my lovely mother. She came to me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much, my son" she whispered. My brothers came out to greet me and there I saw, Bobby and Hanbin holding hands. One by one they hugged me. The feeling of longing sprung unto my body and my throat tightened, fighting the cry that wanted to get out.

As a sniffle sounded my red nose, we went inside the house and a feast on the table brought sparkle unto my eyes. I love food, what could I say?

The sun faded into the horizen and soon, it was night time. "Babe, want a beer?" I asked my loving boyfriend and he nodded a yes. Just as I stood up Bobby, the man I once loved, stood up too. But why do I keep on calling him "The man I once loved?" I sound too bitter.

"Love, I'm going to the bathroom" He said so dearly to hanbin. Hanbin smiled lovingly, I don't know, it made me happy too. Seeing them both happy now.

I went to the kitchen fridge to get some beers but Bobby followed me.
"Hey" He said as he pat my shoulder and gave a small, but happy smile.

"Hey," I responded. I handed him a beer and he accepted it. He opened the can and the sound of it sorrounded the deafening sound of the room. "I'm planning to propose to your brother. What do you think?" He asked me as he slowly leaned unto the counter and sipped his cold can of beer. I raised an eyebrow at him, confused.
"Why do you ask me?"

"Well, because you're his brother and you know him well" he replies quite wryly. "Yeah. I'm his brother but dude, that doesn't mean I know  what his answer will be" did I just answer in an annoyed tone? Was I really annoyed at the thought?

"I'm just asking you to help me plan it out. You know what he likes" I placed down the cold beers I had in my hands the whole time, my hands were red and kinda numb.

"Fine. But in return, you also have to help me propose to Jay. Deal?" He gave off a little laugh, kinda like in disbelief. "What?" I asked.

"Is it really you topping Jay? Not the other way around? 'Cause with his personality I doubt it" He laughed more, I turned to almost smacking his head but he stopped me.

"Fine fine. I' ll help you" We shook our hands as a sign of our deal and left to return to out loved ones.

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