Chapter 24- Thank You And Sorry

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6 months later
Manila, Philippines

It was early morning when the doorbell at the Xanatos residence surrounded the quiet house. A maid opened the door and a delivery man was met.

"May delivery po para kay Sky Xanatos" (Eng trans: I have a delivery for Sky Xanatos) The delivery man smiles and hands in a letter along with papers to be signed as a confirmation that the letter has been delivered.

The man bid bye with a smile and a bow. The maid walked to Ju-ne's room and knocked two times. Ju-ne shouted for the maid to come in.

"Young master Sky, you have mail"

Ju-ne smiled and said thank you. The maid closed the door. Ju-ne sat on his desk inside his room and started to open the letter.

The letter reads:

Dear June,

I just want to say thank you for setting me free, me and B. I are living well, I hope you are too. Before I could bring myself to say thank you again I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry that I cheated on you, sorry that I wasn't brave enough to tell you, sorry that I did not take care of you, sorry for being this kind of boyfriend.

Ju-ne smiles and asks himself "This guy, why did he send me a letter instead of giving me an e-mail or something" He then continued reading the letter.

I know what you're thinking right now. Let me be romantic for the last time. A handwritten letter will always be better than something typed. I hope you find the right guy for you, someone who'd really take care of you, don't look for someone like me, look for someone better. You'll always have a place in my heart. Don't forget to take your meds and don't skip doctor appointments. Okay? Have a nice day and take care.

Sincerely yours,

Suddenly a phone call went trough Ju-ne's phone it's his dad.

"Hello? Dad?"

"You can now come back to Korea, but your doctor told me that you still need to take meds and do follow up check-ups."


"Yes, really. Why do you think Bobby would send you a letter if the doctor hasn't given a go?"

"Y-you know about the letter?"

"Of course, he asked me if he can do it, I think... He thinks that the whole family is angry at him for what he did...before I forget, you're flight's next-next week, so start packing up and fixing things"

"Yes dad, thank you"

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