Chapter 32- Decoding 1

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"Let's start the decoding now" Dad said in a soft but demanding voice.

"Mrs. Lee" I utter. She raised an eyebrow, I smirked. She really wants me to call her mom now. "Mom" she smiled. "The letter in the file says you left it there, then you must know what the final code is?" I asked.

"No, I don't. Hanbin's parents left it there. She told me she'd put my code name there just so no one would know them. You see, no one knows they're Hanbin's parents." I nodded as I ran a hand thtrough my curly hair.

"Oh! It's starting to decode!" The silence that ran through the room was broken instantly as the file started to decode itself. Numbers were popping up randomly. And it stopped, it formed 5 numbers, 9-15-15.

I was going to the laptop to type in the numbers when a video popped up at the screen. Its hanbin's parents, but... Not in their time? How can that be?

"Oh, it's working now!" The woman in the video shouted. "Hi!" She added with an enthusiastic voice. Then, 2 little kids showed up at the screen. One looked a lot like Hanbin and the other? Looked like Hanbin and me.

"Hanbyul, come here" She said to the little kid that looked alot like Hanbin. "Say hi, he's your big brother." Hanbyul waved at us. The woman looked staright to Hanbin's eyes while saying the words "He will be the best older brother to you. He won't let you down." She finishes as a tear fell from her eye.

"Come here Somi. Say hi to them" She waved at us with a cute smile, I instantly felt my heart drop. I feel like I've known her the longest, like we're somehow related. The woman in the video continues "They're you're parents and uncles" How can a cute 7 year old kid be our kid? Our own kid?

"Really? Grandma? That's what they look like years ago?" Somi asked. The woman nodded a yes. "Now that you got to know the kids, let me introduce myself. I'm Agent Kim Sohyun, Hanbin's mother. Nice to meet all of you" We didn't know how to react or what to say. Everything came flooding down to us.

"What you have seen is what your life will be. Now, I won't spoil you with what and how will happen. But know that after this, this is a real time video by the way. After this, there'll be questions that you need to answer. Only if, only if you know the people around you so much will you be able to answer them. Goodluck" And just like that the screen went black.

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