Chapter 5 : First Day

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"Come on, Grace! We are going next door for Moo Moo milk!" I was in the room shoving my bags under the bed I would use, when Ken rushed me out.

"That farm?" Pichu and I went back through the base, past the screens with maps of Almia. "Yes, Bertha and Lubert Bield and their ten children live right in front of us, with their Miltank."

I looked at Pichu. "Alright. Sounds good." We all went to the Moo Moo Farm, for a reason I didn't bother asking about, but soon I figured things out when a large picnic basket was produced at the front.

"And who's this?" The thick accented, heavy set woman in an old fashion dress and apron looked at me now. "I'm Grace, Grace Glacenia of Twinleaf Town." I answered politely. "A Sinnoh girl!" She stepped toward me, and unexpectedly took a hold of my arm.

"So skinny! You best eat, girly, I got some nice sandwiches and milk in there." I blushed, looking down. I guess I was skinny...

"We will fatten her up, Big Bertha. She's a student to be, so we'll make sure they treat 'er right." Garfield brought up, winking. I smiled modestly. "Alrighty! Go on now. Go eat!" She dismissed us, giving me a last friendly look.

"Big Bertha is the best. Making sure we eat, and it is not even lunch time!" Allison patted the basket, and it was then I realized how hungry I was. I had eaten breakfast back home, a light meal, and now I think I had jet lag, for the two hour jump ahead wore me out. Lunch time already?

"Chu! Pi Chu!" The Pokemon ran ahead, down the path to Nabiki beach, ready for a nice lunch on a cliff a little to the North.

"Chu! Pichu!" Pichu was curious enough to approach a cave entrance near the waters edge. "That's Marine Cave! On high tides, it all goes underwater." Ken explained. That'd be cool to check out one day.

"Alright, alright. Let's eat!" We sat down to a hearty lunch when we made it to the spot, talking and joking.

"We made Ken's initiation to deliver our lunch when he first graduated. It was great!" Garfield sniffled, wiping a tear of glee. Ken rolled his eyes, throwing an apple cord at Garfield. It hit him square in the nose, and everyone erupted into laughter.

When we were all done and packed back up, Ken walked beside me.

"So how's the Lake?" He asked with a lowered voice. After that first letter, we haven't really continued writing. It was good he wanted to know now. "The Lake? It's fine. Plants are regrowing, Trainers are really doing their part to use their grass type Pokemon to heal up some of the growth." I followed in on his quiet voice, and quickly felt suspicious.

"That's good." Ken replied, slowing down. Was he going to tell me something the others didn't know? "So what's up?" I began. "Chu Pi." Pichu, back on my shoulder, eyed Ken with worry.

"That man. He was taken in by the Police, interviewed without much information gathered, and as he was being taken to Almia, he got away." I blinked. Why was he telling me this?

"Why are you letting me know this?" I asked. "I think you have a right to know. I don't want to worry you, and I wanted to ask if you had seen anymore there, because a few sightings of these fiends have shown up in Almia."

I boiled up with anger. "More?" This couldn't be good. "You know what that means." Ken groaned. "An organization." I concluded. Ken nodded gravely. "And to think there once was a group called Team Dim Sun," I glared at the ground. So sick.

"They liked to control Pokemon with machines. Now these guys control them with technology similar to our Stylers." Ken absentmindedly poked at his Capture Styler.

"We have rangers watching these guys, they seem to come from no where." I gritted my teeth.

"What do they call themselves?" I had to know, to get the name glued in my head.

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