Chapter 12 : Lies

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"Wake up! Wake up!" Why did I hear Paul's voice. Where was Rira? I yawned loudly and stretched, opening my eyes. Paul! Right! I was in his house. I screamed and yanked up my blanket. I wasn't naked or anything, but I was just surprised.

"What are you doing?" I barked. "Chu! Pi! Pi! Pi!" Picu mocked, sparking her cheeks. "Whoa, whoa, just trying to wake you up!" Paul backed up, and I noticed him wearing clothes fit to run around in, complete with even a backpack. What was going on?

"What are you wearing?" I threw a pillow at him, slowly getting out of bed. "Clothes." Paul threw it back, winking. "Whatever! What are you getting to, Paul?" I pulled out clothes to wear for the day. 

"We are going to spy on Isaac! Get dressed! Go! Go!" I glared at my friend, stomping to the bathroom. Why did I have to tell him all this?

 "Okay! We're ready!" When I had finished showering and changing, Paul practically jumped down the stairs, opening the door. 

 "Breakfast!" I reminded him, before he could confidently leave the house. "FINE!" 

After I took my time plowing through the last of Paul's cereal, and Pichu their stock of Greppa berries, we went outside, where Paul pulled me to the side.

"Alright! We are going to spy on Isaac!" Sk he was serious. I groaned and shook my head. "We can't just spy on him! How do you know he's not off somewhere right now?" 

Paul gave me a tired look. "Why do girls always have to make adventures dumb?!" Paul didn't say any more, giving me a side and narrowed eyed glare, walking off with Mudkip at his side.

I looked at Pichu, who was annoyed as I was. "Come on Pichu! Let's show him!" 

 Peultown in the morning was as beautiful as the evening, people at their windows opening their shutters, children and their Poke friends running around the streets, vendors and shops all ready to make sales. I followed close by Paul this time, silently pulling close to his side. I would not be lost again!

 "Over there, come on." We drew near to the Flower Shop, (I had told Paul about this place the night before) sitting in the scone shop across the street. "They might notice me!" I hissed under my breath. We were so close! 

 "Auntie! I'll help!" Right off, I heard Melody's sweet voice, coming out the door with her aunt, both holding pots of flowers. "Here." Paul handed me a pair of aviators, thinking these would help. I rolled my eyes, pulling my head down into my arms.

"Bun! Buneary! Bun!" I watched Buneary run around, holding my breath. It'd notice us! "Bun!" No. They didn't end up seeing us after all, heading back inside to water plants. 

 "Okay," Paul breathed. "We can't wait like this forever." 

We had waited for fifteen minutes now. It was getting boring spying on innocent people, no sign of Isaac.

 "Look." Paul pointed to the windows above. This kid meant business. "We need Pichu to climb up there and spy on each window for us." Okay, out of hand. I pulled Pichu to me and gave Paul a disgusted look. "No way! She'll fall!" I argued. Paul didn't react. "Pichu is the only one who can do it, can't you Pichu?" Pichu squirmed out of my grip and went for the building. I gaped, anticipating a fall as she climbed hanging plant pots, making it to the little roof of the porch outside the building. 

Careful Pichu! I screamed in my head, biting my hand. Picu didn't seem to have a problem, however, climbing from window seal to window seal, using the ivy hanging on the walls. "She's a natural." Paul reassured me. I rolled my wide open eyes, stiff to the spot.

Pichu eventually stopped at the top most window, looking in for a while before peeking back down to us. "She found him!" I breathed with relief. Paul rolled his eyes this time.

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