Chapter 31: Visions of Hope

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I saw Hope again. She looked stunning, dressed in a drop dead white and crystal blue gown. It completed the theme- the icy clearing in a huge, open throne room.

"Stay hidden. Out of sight. I didn't want you two part of this." She spoke to the shadows off to the side. Whomever she spoke to, I couldn't know, could barely see as the vision focused for me.

"Reshiram. Zekrom." Hope stepped out toward the open walls, raising a bright sword to the sky. It was like pure ice, the most glorious piece of art and weaponry I had ever seen.

"PRINCESS." She got clear responses right away, blood chilling, deep voices. Two magnificent dragon type Pokemon swooped down, landing on either side of Hope. It took me a moment to remember they were on her side.

"Zekrom. Reshiram." Hope breathed, sheathing the sword.

"KYUREM APPROACHES, KESTREL AT HIS BACK." Reshiram calmly announced, adjusting his wings.

Hope cleared her throat and made herself look braver, awaiting the moment where the huge ice/dragon type landed in front of them, a freezing mist exploding from his claws. Hope didn't cringe, standing her ground, hand tight on her sword's sheath.

"Sister. You interfere for the last time." Kestrel took my breath away. I watched him slowly make his way to Hope from Kyurem's back, Zekrom and Reshiram tensing. Kestrel must have really done it.

"The region is freezing. Sinnoh is frozen over to the North. Kestrel. You're killing nature, killing people and Pokemon!" Hope stepped closer to her older brother without fear.

"You wanted the throne and you got it. Stop this nonsense." Hope reached a hand out. Her own brother was out of control, and she was giving him another chance. A last chance.

"No, Hope. I am the Ice King. With these powers, the world is mine, not just this forsaken castle. To freeze people, to freeze Pokemon when they disobey me but keep them alive. It's an amazing practice. Your own prison with the help of beasts." Kestrel smiled maliciously and pointed back to Kyurem, whom raised his head and snorted icy mist. Only then Hope shivered violently.

"Join me, Hope. Even with Zekrom and Reshiram, you wouldn't win anyhow."

Hope frowned, stepping away.

"You're a fool, Kestrel. Father would never let you win." Hope shook her head, teeth gritted. At that same time, an old man and little girl appeared, no one noticing them at first. When Kestrel did, however, he had his evil grin on again. My stomach twisted in knots.

"Our father is dying. Look at him." Kestrel drew the attention unto him, Hope catching her breath.

"Father! Sister! Get out of here!" Her back turned, she almost was hit by a strong ice burn attack.

"PRINCESS." Reshiram was quick to block it, body cloaked in blue flames.

"Kestrel?" Hope was shocked, turning around protectively in front of her father and young sister.

"Kyurem. He must perish." The rightful king croaked, leaning against the girl who looked so much like my Rosie.

"I know." Hope whimpered hopelessly, her guard obviously let down.

All the bad energy. Harnessed by this Pokemon. It had to get out of this place soon.

"Zekrom. Reshiram. Help me." Hope unsheathed the beautiful ice blade, as the two dragons sprang into action, flying to either side of Kyurem.

"Kyurem! Show them your freezing power." Kestrel did not stand down, keeping an icy glare on Hope.

Besides that, everyone could only watch the battle, Kyurem flying high into the frosty air.

Zekrom and Reshiram nodded to each other, shooting up after the larger beast. I held my breath, seeing Kyurem execute perfect attacks. Could even two legendary dragon types take him down?

"AHHHHGHHH!" Zekrom and Reshiram worked together enough, but he was just too much. Zekrom landed a strong thunder punch at Kyurem's side, but missed in an icy flare encrusting his fist.

Zekrom hissed in frustration and shook the ice off, twisting for his last resort.

"Zekrom!" Hope screamed when his next thunder attack failed to hit, getting sent back to earth with a dragon pulse, followed by a strong, deadly ice beam.

Reshiram roared in anguish and rammed into Kyurem, kicking off with a blast of flames.

"ZEKROM!" His counterpart roared in disappointment when Kyurem ended up landing on Zekrom. The air filled with a staticky, icy feel.

I held my breath, watching Hope now. Her expression seemed blank, still as a statue. What was she waiting for?

"It's not over yet." Kestrel broke the silence, another creepy smile forming on his lips.

While I wondered what he meant, Kyurem glowed, streams of black andwhite light encircling his body. His body rose in a bright silhouette.

He was fused with Zekrom. I wanted to scream, seeing the black Pokemon literally fused with Kyurem's appearance.

"Kestrel! What is this?" Hope seemed as disgusted, face twisted in shock. Two Pokemon in one. Was that even allowed? It sickened me.

"FUSION BOLT!" Kyurem roared and blasted a ball of electricity and ice.

"Reshiram!" Hope squeaked, watching the white dragon twist away, barely holding up against this spliced Pokemon.

He flew around the icy field, but everyone watching would know he was losing fast.

"AHHHGHHHHH!" Kyurem roared and propelled himself with added speed and used a thunder punch, hitting Reshiram's right wing.

Reshiram yelped and was cloaked in electricity, plummeting to earth with a sickening slam.

"Reshiram! No!" Hope ran to the fallen beast, kneeling by his face.

"I... I AM SORRY..." Reshiram couldn't get up. One hit was a big deal.

"No, Reshiram, you are magnificent." Hope was near tears, voice cracking with every word.

"GET AWAY..." Reshiram groaned now, watching Kyurem land paces away from them beside Kestrel. As hard as he tried to get up, he could not.

"Sister, last chance." Kestrel sneered, crossing his arms. Would he really let his own sister go?

"Kestrel. You are a coward. You aren't a king, you are nothing," She said it in a voice laced with disgust. "Father brought this region up, and you tore it down."

Kestrel bit his lip, hatred burning in his eyes at the sting of those words. Kyurem shook his head and stomped a foot.

"It will take a real king to strike his own sister." Hope spat cold sarcasm, gritting her teeth and standing erect, holding her arms out boldly. Not a sign of fear was apparent.

"You are a fool." Kestrel shook his head and stepped back. "Kyurem." Raising a hand, he snapped two fingers.

"NO!" The rightful king roared from the back of the field where he and Hope's sister stood, as Kyurem formed a dragon pulse.

"NO! HOPE!" Reshiram was still useless, writhing in panic.

Pichu! Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Everything slowed down. From its hiding place, a small yellow Pokemon jumped out, ready to boldly defend her friend.

"Pichu." Hope's eyes widened, watching her friend take a flying leap straight in front of the beam. The room filled with screams, and I realized they belonged to me.

Biiiii!!!!! Ceeeeeee!

Before the small yellow made contact with the attack, a green fairy followed suit, forcing herself into her friend, and glowing a deep bright white...

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