Chapter 9 : Test of Courage

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"Who the heck is Hope?"

I couldn't answer. I did not know how. Who was Hope? I didn't even know! When I just laid there, unspeaking, Rira went down to her bed. It was still late at night, and I was still tired, yet I did not want to go back to bed.

"Pichu?" I felt around for my friend, who was at my feet, sleeping despite all that. "Chu, Pi?" She roused, crawling to my side. I hugged her close to me. I felt like a child. Pichu, yawned and urged me to sleep again. "Chu. Pi." She tapped my hand, and squirmed into a better position. Pichu was right, I should go back to sleep..

The next morning, I woke up, very tired. I didn't have any more weird dreams, and I really didn't want to leave my bunk, but with Pichu's persuading, I got ready for the day and tromped down to breakfast with Rira and Emolga. Paul was waiting like always, Mudkip, beside him, snoozing on his tray.

"Good morning." Paul mumbled, looking less tired at least. "Morning." Rira and I both greeted.

"So the boys didn't keep you up last night?" I asked, glancing apprehensively over to Fin's table. Paul yawned, shaking his head. "For a while they were talking like always," Paul looked straight into my eyes. "About you, you know. Pretty boy is upset he lost to you." I crossed my arms, not even caring.

"Good." I grumbled. "Chu! Pi!" Pichu agreed with a sneer. Paul yawned again. "Also about the Test of Courage."

"Test of Courage. When will that happen?" Rira asked, eyes glinting with excitement. I gave her a confused look, which she took to right away. "Oh, I've heard about that tradition during Operator 101, where my fellow operators told me that the Test of Courage takes place every time a certain student is spotted, to see if they are brave, and it takes place at midnight, in the dark and spooky school halls!" She proudly explained.

"Right." I popped a donut hole in my mouth. Was I supposed to care? Anything dealing with Fin sounded dark already. "I'm going to take it, I'm pretty sure." Paul declared quietly. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, you two. Let's get to class."

Classes were the same as always; capture class we learned techniques, styler tech we learned about the styler, (I was glared at throughout the class) History we were given more homework, Biology we learned about Pokemon types and how they affected us, lunch we learned about burritos, P.E was basket ball, Mechanic Shop was robotics, social management we learned to control anger, Pokemon assist class we practiced the tackle and cut field moves, electronics we fiddled around with computers and programs, all leading up to my new favorite part of the day, extra curricular!

I avoided Fin, getting to battle a ranger student with a Budew. I think during that battle, however, Fin was watching me like the creep he was.

After Dinner, Paul and Rira decided they wanted to read their borrowed books from the library outside, while I remembered I still hadn't gotten a book yet.

"Pichu! Pi!" Pichu was eager to get to library of course, but I wasn't. I didn't want to see that Isaac kid!

"Chu! Pi!" It was get a book and study, or leave Pichu. I chose Pichu and homework, entering the library with a sigh. Pichu ran back to the corner Isaac was in, jumping up on the boy's table.

"Pichu!" The hunched over boy cried out. "Chu! Pichu!" Pichu's own cries rang out, happily nudging Isaac. Fuming, I turned to find a book on capture stylers. Why did Pichu like this stranger so much? Why was I so jealous?

I eventually found a text book, checking it out and sitting at a lone table far from Pichu and Isaac. I shouldn't have been upset, but I was yet again. I didn't want to start anything with Pichu, so I didn't even say a word when she rejoined me at my isolation table, flipping through the pages of my book. I was very glad when free time was over and Pichu and I went back to the confines of the girl's dorm.

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