Chapter 19 : Peultown Ice Age

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[Paul's POV]


"Mudkip! Start off with a mud shot!"

It was the usual Pokemon battle my bro and I had out of boredom, or when our buds insisted. I guess the unexpected snow fall pumped our water pals up on this Christmas morning.

"Buizel! Dodge it with aqua jet and give it a swift attack!"

"Use water gun on it!"

I had wanted to be a Pokemon trainer at first, but Keith forced me to try and be a ranger.

I guess it's great, this vacation right now even greater. Too bad Grace couldn't be here, but she had been on the last vacation at least. She is a  great ranger student, my best friend.

Back to the battle, Mudkip had successfully used water gun on the stars from the swift attack, charging with a headbutt.

"Buizel, aqua jet to Mudkip and give it an iron tail!"

Big bro's Buizel was insanely tough, and Mudkip couldn't avoid his opponents speed advantage, getting hit hard into the ground. We so should have taken battling class.

"Mudkip! Get up! Use whirl pool! Your best shot!"

I've been training a bit, however, though we barely had time to do it at school. This was good. How could Buizel counter the huge swirling pool?

"Buizel! Signature move, aqua jet straight in it!"

My brother was smart, a top ranger who helped saved Almia even, but this? What was he up to?

"M-Mudkip, brace yourself! Use mud shot when he comes out!"

I spoke too late, Buizel jumping out of the whirlpool easier than what it took for Mudkip to create it.

"Muud! Muud!" Mudkip was slapped backwards hard once again, hitting the ground painfully once more.

"Buizel," Keith crossed his arms with a smirk, like those up tight gym leaders on tv did when they had the upper hand.

"Use iron tail!"

I bit my lip, rushing forward. "Stop! Stop!" I would've kicked Buizel away or something, if he didn't back off, standing at the side with his arms crossed. "Bui! Bui!" He confidently barked.

"Mudkip! I'm sorry." I gently picked up my mud bud, rocking him like the little baby he was.

"Mud..." Mudkip chirped weakly, smiling.

"Yeah, that's right, buddy. You did amazing," I lowered my voice. "Buizel and Keith are just high strung sissies with more experience."

"Kip! Mud! Mud!" Mudkip laughed hysterically. There's his sense of humor.

After the battle, we sat around the still messy living room by the Christmas tree and wrapping paper, playing video games or being our usual selves. I got bored quickly, however.

"I'm bored!" Keith spoke for me, throwing a wad of paper at my face.

"Great minds think alike, or, smart minds and stupid minds." I grumbled back, stumbling to my feet. This cold day was at our use.

"Want to-" Keith was about to suggest something, anything, before his fine styler beeped persistently.

"Keith, come in, this is Ruth," Keith rose his eyebrows, looking my way with a questioning glance. Was it an emergency?

"Yeah, I'm here." Keith took the call, standing nervously.

"You better get to Altru Park, there's an outbreak of Pokemon, and you're one of the closest rangers on duty." The operator sounded urgent. It was just an outbreak right? Wrangle up some Pokemon? What was the big deal?

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