Chapter 11 : Peultown

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When the sun began to set over Paul's forest home, Mr. and Mrs. Runner showed up.

"Grace!" The business outfitted couple embraced me, talked to me for an awkward ten minutes and went to go make a delicious dinner, leaving us once more to do whatever.

"See, my parents are great, but are not home usually, at that huge sky scraper building, Altru Building." Paul, Mudkip, and I sat near the pond's edge, enjoying the sunset. Earlier, Keith had to leave for the Union.

"What's Altru Inc?" I asked, probably sounded stupid, knowing that word from somewhere.

"Altru Inc? It was ran by some bad man, but now, it is still an oil company, and no longer bad."

"That's good." It was true I didn't know a thing about Almia, other than it was the ranger capital of the regions.

"Altru Building is only the center of Almia." Paul rolled his eyes. I shoved him. "I've seen it, when I first got to Almia, on the cliff back by Vien Forest." That's all I had. Pathetic.

"I can show you. It's just a ten minute walk there. The park usually has a band playing!" Paul stood up, doing half his ranger pose.

"Now?" I didn't want to think of going anywhere now.

"Well, if you're a wimp about it, then we can wait." Paul gave me a smug look, turning away.

"Chu! Pi! Pi!" Pichu seemed brave about it, jumping on Paul's shoulder and giving him a light shock. "Chu!" She growled, as if proving we weren't scared. Paul yelped and shook Pichu off.

"At-at least Pichu is b-brave." He stuttered, smoothing his spiky hair over.

I crossed my arms. "True, but half of that was punishment for being cocky!"

So I decided just then we would make the evening stroll all the way through the city and to the Altru Building, making it back before dinner. We headed off right away, Paul and Mudkip leading the way.

"This is a nice town." I commented right away, making it to the stairs of the west side of town.

"Yes it is!" Paul agreed, bounding ahead past the townspeople. "Wait up!" Pichu and I couldn't lose Paul! I felt lost already, and the crowd grew thicker. Panicking, I quickened my pace.

"Chatot! Excuse me! Chatot!" I almost tripped over a Chatot, crashing into someone when I veered out of the way. "Whoa!" We both fell to the ground, and I think the guy hit his head.

"I'm so sorry!" I squeaked, throat dry. The boy, who looked so familiar quickly got to his feet, rubbing the back of his blonde mushroom domed head.

"Isaac!" I immediately blurted. "Chu! Pi! Chu Chu!" Pichu, who hadn't suffered the crash climbed up his side and onto his shoulder.

I didn't let my self get mad. "Hey, Isaac! How are you here? I mean... What are you doing?" I'm stupid.

"Well, if you were asking how I was doing and what I am doing here, well, I was doing fine, and I live here."

His snotty and joking tone annoyed me quickly. "Well, I'm sorry I crashed into you, and..." I was lost.

"And?" Isaac shifted the folder he had with him, bulging with papers, the same time scratching Pichu's ears.

"Pichu and I are lost!" I had to say it. It still seemed as Paul had totally left me.

"Where you headed?" Isaac inquired without a second thought. I glanced around the crowd and apartment buildings once more. No sign of Paul. Maybe this was a joke.

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