Chapter 23 : Farewell

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No ceremony.

Just receiving my papers, signing things here and and there. By the end of the day, I was a ranger.

"I'm going to miss you." Paul and Rira were seeing me off, while Ken would pick me up like always. Isaac had left prior,  and with him went Celebi to who knew where. I guess in this world, she had to hide. All the time.

"Yeah. I'll miss you guys." I didn't look at Paul, but hugged him anyhow, at the same time Ken pulled up.

"Ken!" I turned away, face hot. "Chu. Pich." Pichu sighed, obviously rolling her eyes my way.

"Ready, ranger?" Ken nodded in greeting and winked at Rira- whom blushed and looked away- and Paul, who glared at the ground. At least Ken didn't mind the hug...

"I'll call you guys, okay." I put my stuff on the spare Doduo, embarrassed now, still unable to look Paul in the eye.

"Okay. Let's go." I was ready to ride out of this joint, Doduo sprinting fast.

"Chu! Pi!" Pichu called as we raced out of the school, the memories.

"Bye! Grrraaaaceeee!" Rira's voice echoed as I no longer saw her. Man, I would miss her, and... Paul.

The cold wind nipped at my face, snatching my hair back, but it felt good. Made me forget about everything in that instant. I would miss the school of course, but right now was my homecoming.

"WELCOME HOME!" Back at my place, the Vientown Rangers and Big Bertha and her husband had been waiting, the house all decorated for a little get together.

"Thanks everyone!" This didn't even have to be a big deal. So what if the Ranger Union needed me.

"Moo Moo Milk!" Bertha squeezed me tight after offering me a swig. Oh Bertha.

"You're still too skinny!" She teased as always, patting my back in a rough manner. After that, I was passed to Ashley and Fiona.

"Graduating early!" Ashley and Fiona took turns embracing me, faces nothing but bliss, excitement.

"Fieldie! So its official!" Garfield shook my hand, guffawing in my face, dragging me away from the girls. Good old Garfield.

"Congrats dear." Finally, I got to my family, all hugging each other tight.

"Snivy! Sni!" Snivy hopped directly over my face, as Ken used a handy digital camera to snap a photo of us. That would be quite the memoir.

"Alright. Now before you eat the cake, I have to go take care of something." Ken had the camera, eager to run out the door with it. I rolled my eyes, seeing him off.

"Let's tell stories!" My mother now joked, shooting me a teasing glance. I exaggerated a shocked look, flopping between Fiona and Ashley on the couch.

"Grace, let's tell them about that time a Pidgeotto stole your diaper?"

I chuckled, remembering that, then looking around to see everyone's eyes trained on me. My face felt very hot in that instant, and I wished it was cake time...

"...Grace was screaming like a Loudred, we found her hiding in the bushes, just wailing an-"

A knock on the door interrupted my father, followed by a squeal. All too familiar.

"It snapped at me!" None other than Rira was in the snow, Paul struggling to help her up and calm down the Doduo.

"Surprise!" Next, a snowball came sailing into my face, Ken appearing from the corner of the house. Oh, and the camera was in hand.

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