Chapter 34: Restless

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"Everyone can share rooms, the couches are comfortable as well."

It was late, Grandmother settling us in after her great story. I tried to forget about her, and currently it had been a good two hours since Grace had been gone, too long, but what could we do?

I wondered how she was keeping up. Was she lost in the snow? Trapped in the castle, kept hostage?

I sighed and patted the bedding down. I had decided to sleep near the hot stove, listening to the cackling fire. I was exhausted, worried, warm and full but in despair. We had to look for Grace, as Rangers should do. Help others.

"Goodnight." Benny yawned from somewhere in the den.

"Night!" Mari yelled back lazily.

I sighed and turned on my back, staring at the wood ceiling. I strained my ears past the small talk and the fire, hearing the storm pound on. Did I hear hooves? A light frantic pounding?


What was that?

Grace, help me. I'm sorry. She's weak. She...

I jumped to my feet, scrabbling for my boots, my jacket. A voice. I definitely heard a voice.

"Ken?" I was quickly noticed, feeling around in the dim light, loud as an angry Ursaring.

"I hear something." Bernard came to my side. He heard it too, but I would find out about it first. This time, no one would stop me.

"Wait up." We were given tired looks, but no one else moved besides him and I.

"Just stay inside, I'll be back." I waved away the last dirty looks I was given.

I wasn't crazy. I frowned to myself and pushed past Bernard to the door, flinging it open. The snow slapped me in the face, chilling me from the inside out.

"What's up?" Bernard whispered from behind me, teeth audibly chattering.

Grace... It's so cold...

I wasn't Grace. What was the voice in my head?

I stepped out onto the porch, reaching out to the unknown, my ungloved hand becoming frozen stiff in seconds.

"Kellll....." In more seconds, I made contact with short fur.

"Oh my Arceus." Bernard pulled me back, as a Keldeo collapsed into me.

"Biii... Ceeeeelllll..." As the poor little guy fell forward, a green Pokemon was thrown into my arms.

A Celebi?

My heart began to race, cradling this poor, ice incrusted grass type.

"Get her in! Both of them!" Grandmother woke me from my muddled thoughts.

"I'll take Celebi." She took her from my arms, and had Bernard and I help Keldeo in.

Grace... Am I too late?

Keldeo was helped in front of the stove, where his legs gave up and he face planted into my bedding.

"Whoa!" Soon, everyone surrounded Keldeo, circling him. That voice, his voice, it sounded exhausted as it should be.

Don't hurt me...

The Pokemon's eyes opened slowly, slicing into mine. His voice was in my head.

"Don't crowd him!" I snapped, instantly getting protective, chest clenching with anger. "Get away!"

Everyone eyed me with shock, backing up. Before anyone could answer me back, Bernard nodded slowly.

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