[Chapter One]

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Amelia walked into Amun for the first time in two years. The last time she was here was the beginning of her Freshman year. She had made it through the first day, before she was being pulled out for a family emergency, and then poof she was gone, and no one has heard from her since. As she walked through the busy halls, she felt weird. Not much had changed, and she recognized a lot of the students walking past her, but she hadn't seen any of her fellow Anubis housemates, who she had known since the sixth grade. She walked toward the lounge area, figuring some of them would be in there since no classes were going on currently. When she walked in she immediately saw some familiar faces and one not so familiar face.

"No way, I think he looks like a dork in all of them," Joy commented, referring to the picture's Fabian was looking through of himself.  "It's funny, that's the same thing I said when Fabian asked me to pick one online." Everyone's heads shot toward the door, some of them recognizing the voice of their old friend. Nina stared at Amelia confused, while Joy sent the girl a small, almost unnoticeable glare. Patricia and Fabian on the other hand were both shocked and filled with excitement. Amelia let out a small laugh at all of their reactions. She let her eyes sweep through the room, looking for any other familiar faces, when her eyes landed on him. In the corner, standing completely still, his mouth slightly parted, was Jerome. 

"Amelia, I can't believe you're here," Fabian yelled, quickly jumping up and wrapping his old best friend in a bone-crushing hug. As Fabian let go, they all heard a high pitch squeal. Amelia turned around to see Amber and Alfie standing in the entrance. Amber had a big smile on her face, and Alfie's mouth was practically on the floor. Jerome quickly slipped past the group and into the hallway. He was too shocked to even process what was going on right now.

Amber hugged Amelia first, then Patricia and then Alfie. "Aye my female pranking buddy is back," "And better than ever," Amelia finished with a small laugh. "Dude I am so glad you are back; Jerome has been acting weird lately, and we haven't pulled any pranks yet," Alfie groaned. "It's the second day of school and y'all haven't pranked anyone yet; what's wrong with him," she joked. "Y'all? Wow America really changed you," Patricia laughed. Amelia rolled her eyes and turned toward Joy and the pretty girl next to her. "Joy," she plainly said before turning toward the other girl. "Hi I'm Amelia and I'm guessing you're the famous Nina? Fabian has told me all about you! It's a pleasure to finally meet you." "Oh Amelia yeah, Fabian has told me a lot about you too," Nina smiled. There was a moment of awkward silence before Patricia broke it, asking the question that was on everyone's mind. "Are you back for good?" "Yeah; I'm starting back here tomorrow, and moving into Anubis house right after I leave here," she smiled. "Yay, I'm so excited," Amber squealed. Joy let out a small scoff before walking out of the lounge and into the hallway.

"She hasn't changed," Amelia laughed awkwardly. "So where's M&M," she asked, wondering where the peculiar new couple was. "Mick is on the field practicing and Mara is probably off somewhere with Jerome," Patricia informed her. Amelia was slightly taken aback when she heard that Jerome and Mara were hanging out, and it showed on her face. "Yeah I know, they are a very odd pairing, but not as odd as her and Mick," Amber cringed. Patricia harshly nudged Amber, "What it's true!"

Amelia smiled at Amber, silently wishing that someone would change the topic. "So, who are you rooming with," Nina asked her. "I guess where ever there is available space." "Oh, you could room with me and Nina," Amber gushed. "It would be like a sleepover every night," Amber squealed. Amelia sighed and shook her head, "I just had to take an eight-hour flight and a four-hour train ride to get here. We can start the sleepover tomorrow," she chuckled. The bell rang, interrupting their conversation and signaling that it was time for their next class. "Well I have to go talk to Victor," Amelia groaned slightly, not at all excited to have to talk to him. "But I will see you guys back at the house; we all need to catch up." "Most definitely," Amber smiled hugging the girl again, before they all headed out and to their next class.

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