[Chapter Eight]

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Nina's gran was packing up all her stuff, when Amelia woke up that morning. "Aw, I can't believe you're leaving. We'll miss our honorary roomie," she smiled bringing her in for a big hug. "It was nice to meet you too! I can't wait to come back and visit," gran told her. Amelia smiled before changing into her uniform and joining the others downstairs for breakfast. When she reached the dining room, she noticed that Mara was wearing her 'geek' glasses again today. It was a part of her plan to convince Mick to break up with her, but they weren't working.

Mick sat down yawning, "I hate mornings." "Well I love mornings, all that peace and quiet for all that uninterrupted studying," Mara sighed happily. "How can you be so chipper this early in the morning Mara?" Amelia groaned, knowing that this was all an act. Mara ignored her comment and continued to play her little game. "We're so different," "But so right," Mick smiled.

Mick sat there and studied Mara's face for a second. "Are those new glasses? They're kind of -," "Disfiguring," Jerome interrupted. "Well I think they're cute on you," he smiled. Amelia smiled to herself, happy that Mara's plan was backfiring. "Princess Amber your carriage awaits! A little help Amelia." She stood up and walked outside to get everything ready, while Alfie gathered everyone else and brought them outside.

Amelia pushed the ride up to the house right as everyone walked out. "And ta-da," Alfie pointed to the ride while Amelia did some hand motions to help present the ride. Amber looked at it with a straight face, "There's no way I'm getting on that ranky tractor." "Hey, we worked hard on this," Amelia pouted. "Dude that is so sick," "Can I have a ride Alfie," "No way me first." Amelia smiled, happy that the others seemed to like the ride they had decked out. "Um, as the potential gf, I get automatic shotgun." Amber jumped on and they started to drive off. "Have fun you guys," Amelia waved. They all went back inside and grabbed their stuff before heading to school.


Jerome hasn't spoken to Amelia all day. He's tried his best to stay away from her and stay out of any conversations that she was a part of. Amelia was wondering if she should just tell him everything, figuring that it was the only way he'd ever accept her back in.

She was shaken from her thoughts when there was a knock on her door. "Come in!" Alfie walked in and sat down on her bed, a big smile on his face. "You have an Amber update for me," she asked him excited to hear what he had to tell her. "Yeah, so she told me we have to go on a trial date before we can be official." Amelia rolled her eyes, "And I have a feeling she's going to make it a double date. So, I was wondering if she does decide on a double date, would you and Jerome be willing to come, ya know as moral support." She choked on her gum, completely caught off guard. "You said what now?" "Oh, come on, for me," Alfie started to pout. "One word: weird, plus Jerome and I aren't really on speaking terms right now. His choice, not mine." "What, why, what happened?" "He didn't tell you?" Alfie shook his head, causing her to let out a loud sigh.

"Well I tried to go in and tell him I wanted us to start reconnecting our friendship and how I hated how awkward it felt between us. Then he brought up you and your accident." "Wait, why would he bring up me and what accident," Alfie interrupted. "Your trip to the hospital last term, that I knew about. He asked me if I had known about it and then got mad at the fact I hadn't tried to contact you. Alfie I really am sorry I never contacted you. I was so worried when Fabian told me you had gone to the hospital." She looked down, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She sniffled trying to hold the rest of the tears back that were threatening to spill down her face. "I wanted to contact you, I wanted to contact you the whole time, but I knew it was dangerous. The less people with the ability to contact me, the better, and I regret my decision my decision so much."

Alfie wrapped his arms around his best friend and pulled her in for a hug. "Shh, shh, I'm not mad at you for not contacting me. Shh it's okay Amelia. I'll try and talk to Jerome and knock some sense into him." Amelia cracked a small smile, mumbling a thanks into his shoulder. "Anyway, I think you should ask Fabian and Nina. From what I've heard, they haven't had a proper date, plus I think Amber would be more willing and more comfortable if Nina came with." "See this is why you need to stick around. You have the best advice ever," Alfie smiled. She smiled up at him, unwrapping herself from his grip. They walked out together, Alfie heading downstairs, while Amelia headed into the bathroom to wash her red face from all the crying.

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