[Chapter Forty-Five]

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"Okay," Ms. Valentine started as she grabbed the books Jasper had brought for her. "So, for thee uh benefit of our new arrivals, good look by the way Amber," she smiled as she stopped to compliment Amber's beret and sunglasses look, she was sporting this morning. "We are about to get down to the reign of Cleopatra." "Ooo my fave," Amelia smiled as she stopped doodling and readied herself to listen to Ms. Valentine.

Unfortunately for Amelia, Amber decided to interrupt to nonchalantly ask about their task, while hiding what it was for, like usual. "Do you know anything about ancient Egyptian music?" "It's for the school concert," Nina added on, as Jasper walked in with a few more books. "What school concert," Joy asked, causing Patricia to kick her so she would stop asking questions. "It-it's called the song of," "Hathor," Fabian started and Nina finished, once she realized Fabian had already forgotten the name.

"The Song of Hathor," Nina reiterated. "Have you heard of it," she pushed, hoping either Ms. Valentine or Jasper would know the tune of it. "Oh, I've heard of it," Jasper spoke up, causing each of the members of Sibuna to sit up in their seats, ready to hopefully get the answers they have been looking for.

"I mean it's one of the key compositions of ancient Egyptian music," Jasper smiled. "Cool; how does it go," Alfie called out from his seat in the back. "Ah, well nobody knows," Jasper replied, causing Alfie to sink down in his seat, a small pout making its way onto his face. "Wh-what do you mean nobody knows," Nina asked him, her nerves quickly resurfacing.

"Well, if it's ancient Egyptian, it will predate musical notation, right Mr. Choudhary," Ms. Valentine asked him. "Indeed, uh the Song of Hathor is now lost to history. Nobody alive today has ever heard it." Amelia let out a loud groan and placed her head on her desk, realizing that with each task they got, the answers were becoming harder to find.


The bell rang, signaling that class was over. Amelia grabbed her stuff and waited for the other members of Sibuna to pack up, before following Nina out the door and into the hallway. "How are we supposed to play a song that no one has ever even heard," she asked them, clearly both annoyed and worried. "She didn't say when it was lost to history," Amber mentioned.

Fabian looked over at her, confused. "What do you mean?" "Well, it obviously wasn't lost from Frobisher Smythe's time, because he couldn't have used it to set the task." "Smart Amber for the win," Amelia smiled as she high-fived Amber. "When did you get so wise Amber," Nina laughed. She let out a loud sigh, "I think it's an age thing; yuck."

Mr. Sweet and Joy interrupted their conversation when they asked Amber to come talk to them. "Um, we're a teensy it busy right now," she told them as they tried to rush off. "It's to star in a new online ad for the school," Joy called out to her, immediately grabbing Amber's attention once she heard star and ad.

"Where do you want me," Amber asked. The other three ran after her as she began to walk toward Joy and Mr. Sweet, trying to convince her not to do it, knowing that it would end badly due to the curse, unless of course they broke it before then. "I couldn't possibly turn down a starring role," Amber told them as she ignored their worries about her being in the commercial.

Amber started to ask about what she'd be doing and who her character would be, when Joy handed her a paper with her lines on it. "Uh you can come too Fabian," Mr. Sweet told him, causing Amelia's eyes to widen. Before any of them could protest Mr. Sweet spoke up again. "So, I'll see you tomorrow, first thing in the library."

When Joy and Mr. Sweet walked off, Amelia and Nina turned to face Amber and Fabian. "Amber, aren't you forgetting about something," Fabian questioned her. Amber said the first thing that came to her mind, "Run the contract pass my agent?" "Wait, you have an agent," Amelia asked, slightly turning the conversation off track. Amber started to smile and shake her head while Nina scoffed.

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