[Chapter Fifty-Three]

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The members of Sibuna all got up early and grabbed their breakfast, so that they could head out before Vera or Victor tried to confront them about the other night and the amulets. Alfie and Amelia stuffed a bunch of snacks in their bags before running off to meet up with the others. Once they reached the school, they headed to the lounge to eat and wait for the first bell.


It was finally lunch time, and the members of Sibuna had decided to meet up in the lounge so they could try and figure out what the other reflectors were. Everyone except for Patricia was there, because she was too busy trying to get Eddie to confess to accidentally kissing her twin sister who he initially thought was her.

"Okay, so each opposite pair of symbols equals one object, but that object could be anything or anywhere," Nina explained to the four of them as they all crowded around Fabian's laptop and Amelia's drawing.

"Good, this isn't going to take long at all," Patricia huffed as she walked in and sat down next to Fabian. Nina shrugged her shoulders, "At-least there's only six reflectors." "And at-least we get some help. Each object will have a falcon symbol on it, so we'll know if we found the right thing." "That's if we find them," Amber commented causing Amelia to hit her in the shoulder.

"We have to if we wanna get to the mask first. And look, I think I already know what one of the symbols is. See that," Nina asked them all as she pointed to one of the symbols on the zodiac picture. "It's a cup bearer. The cup," she re-emphasized when she noticed they all looked confused. Everyone except for Amelia seemed to understand what Nina was referring to.

"But I thought you said the cup of Ankh was in Vera's room," "The cup of what," Amelia asked after Amber. "I didn't say this was going to be easy, and it's the cup we had to assemble last semester Amelia, remember?" Amelia shook her head as she slightly remembered Nina mentioning it when they told her about all of the mysteries from the year before. " Alfie let out a loud huff, "Why can't just one thing be easy."

They spent the rest of their lunch trying to figure out the rest of the reflectors, but they came up with nothing. They decided that Nina and Fabian would go look for the cup after school, while the others waited for them. Amelia spent the rest of the day looking over the zodiac she had drawn out. Once the day had come to an end and she had one class left, she wrote out a whole list of ideas. She was pretty sure none of them were correct, but she was working on it.

There were about ten minutes left of class when Jerome asked if he could use the bathroom. Their teacher looked back at him with a blank stare, "There are ten minutes left Mr. Clarke. I think you can wait for the bell." "I really can't sir. I feel like I'm about to explode." "It's true sir; Jerome here has a small bladder," Alfie spoke up causing Jerome to glare down at him. "Whatever," their teacher muttered as he handed Jerome a hall pass.

"Do you think he's really going to the bathroom," Amelia asked Alfie as they continued with their list. Alfie just shrugged, "I mean he really does have a small bladder. I remember one time he chugged a whole bottle of water and then had to pee like two seconds later." Amelia started to laugh as she closed her notebook and sat back, wondering if Jerome would come back to class or just head out since school was almost over.

While Jerome did have to go to the bathroom, he had a different plan. He left early so that he could get back to the house before the others and grab the dollhouse. Although, when he got there, it was gone. The girls had hidden it the night before when they noticed it had been moved, but Jerome had a different idea of who might of moved it. "Vera," he muttered under his breath once he remembered that she had stolen his gem.

Jerome decided he would wait until Vera left to do her grocery shopping, to go up and check her room. He snuck back out of the girl's room and headed downstairs. Meanwhile, Alfie and Amelia had just reached the house. Almost as soon as they walked in through the front door, Victor stopped them, as if he was waiting for them, or more specifically Alfie. Amelia jumped and let out a small scream as she heard Victor's booming voice behind them, "Alfie Lewis!"

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