[Chapter Thirty-One]

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Amelia woke up and got ready for school. The night before the group had decided they were going to face their individual fears today. That meant they were first going to conquer Fabian and Amber's fears at school, and then after conquer Amelia's and Alfie's, down in the tunnels.

Once everyone was up and ready, they each grabbed some breakfast and ate on the way, so they could do the bug test before class. They walked into the Science room and stood in front of the bug containers.

Amber looked down at the bugs and took a deep breath. "Okay I'm ready." "Are you sure," Nina asked her, wanting to make sure she was actually ready. "Just do it quick." Amber held out her hand while Patricia grabbed one of the bugs out of the container. "Okay, remember the training. Think of it as a little Alfie," Nina told her.

Amber started to squeal as Patricia placed the bug in her hand. She started to shake as she talked to the tiny bug in her palm. "Hey Alfie, you're not so bad." Amber held the bug in her hand for about ten seconds before Patricia took the bug back. "Okay, I think you're ready!"

They all turned toward Fabian, who already had his hands out. "Fabian," Nina grabbed a worm that Alfie had dug up this morning and placed it in his hands. Fabian held it for a few seconds before handing it back to Nina, "Hey, I think I'm ready too." Nina looked over at Alfie, "Alfie?" "Yeah, I think so. I spent the whole night under my bed and no stones fell down, so!" "Amelia," "Well, I didn't have any training and I haven't had any more weird dreams, but I think I can face them. Or at least the most recent one."

Nina smiled as she looked around proudly at all her friends. "Okay then, let's get this thing done!" They turned around to head for the door, so they could go to their first class, but before they could reach the door, Mr. Sweet and Victor walked in.

"Ah, students. Um, you remember we have a zero tolerance on jewelry at this school," Mr. Sweet told them. They all looked at him confused, knowing that it had never been a rule. "Wait what," "No, I don't remember that." "Well uh, nevertheless we do. And we are doing a spot check today, to ensure that all students are uniformed and consistent representatives of the school. And um-," "All jewelry please," Victor interrupted, holding his hand out that wasn't filled with other people's jewelry.

Patricia looked him straight in the eyes and said no. "Patricia please," Mr. Sweet pleaded, trying to reason with her, but she wasn't going to budge. "If you do not wish to comply your punishment will be a new house curfew. Straight to your bedrooms after dinner. And you will be monitored," Victor told them.

They all stayed quiet and made no moves to hand over the amulets, that was until Victor started to walk away, a very serious look on his face. "Very well," he shrugged. "Wait," Nina spoke up, surprising the others. She took off her amulet and handed it over to a smug Victor. The rest of them followed suit, handing their amulets over to Victor. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you very much," he smirked, turning around and walking out.

Once Victor left, the first bell rang, and Mr. Sweet rushed them off to their first class. They all headed to Ms. Andrews room, and made a mental note to reconvene at the first break, so they could talk about what had just happened.


The gang finally had some free time, so they all met up in the lounge to talk. "I can't believe we just gave up the amulets like that," Amelia huffed in frustration, sitting down in one of the chairs as the others sat down around her. "But there is no way we can risk having Victor guard us round the clock." "It's not like he doesn't already do that. Plus, without the amulets, what does he have to guard us from?"

Fabian ignored Amelia's negative comments and continued on with his mini speech. "We can get the amulets back!" "We don't just have to get them back. We have to get them back soon or it's over," Nina told them. Amelia sighed, quickly realizing that all their negative ranting wasn't helping anything.

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