[Chapter Forty-Six]

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Amelia and Eddie arrived back at the house right before dinner time. They hid the flowers and chocolates in his room, before meeting everyone else in the dining hall for dinner.

"You know what we should do this Friday? We should have a game night like we used to," Joy suggested. "Amelia can't," Eddie smirked, causing Amelia to hit him with her arm. "Why not," Joy asked. "I'm hanging out with Michael," "She has a date," Eddie corrected. "Ooo a date," Amber cheered. "It's nothing big," she muttered as she looked down at her plate, already embarrassed by all the attention this date with Michael was getting.

Amelia noticed Amber already gushing about helping her pick out her outfit and get her ready for her date. What she didn't notice was the shocked look on Jerome's face. He was so caught up in his feelings for Mara, that he completely missed what was or was not going on between Amelia and Michael. He had mixed emotions about the situation, but decided to push them down, not wanting to focus on the weird feelings that were building up inside of him.


Once dinner was done, Amelia and Joy cleaned up dinner, while the others headed off to their rooms. Once the girls were done, they walked out and headed up to their rooms, but not before passing by a nervous looking Eddie. "Good luck best friend," Amelia smiled, giving him a thumbs up before continuing up to her room.

About twenty minutes later, Jerome walked out and saw Eddie still waiting there. They began to talk about how Patricia was late for their date, when Mara walked down and started talking about how the Wi-Fi in the house was down. Unbeknownst to them, Patricia was locked in the upstairs bathroom, and no one knew she was in there, because they couldn't hear her cries for help.

Jerome had just asked Mara to go on another fake date when Eddie began to think that Patricia had really stood him up. "She has bailed on me!" "Well then, you won't be needing these," Jerome smirked as he grabbed the flowers from Eddie's grip.

Jerome started to walk off, but Eddie stopped him before he could completely leave him alone. "So, you really like Mara huh?" "Well this is all fake dating to make her ex jealous," Jerome told him, half telling the truth. "Yeah, but you wish it were real?"

Before Jerome could answer, Eddie decided to speak up again, making a remark that completely threw Jerome off guard. "What about Amelia?" Jerome's eyes widened at the mention of his best friend. "What are you on about Miller? Amelia's my best friend. I'm probably closer to her than I am with Alfie, and that's saying something."

Eddie shook his head no, "Amelia and Alfie are best friends. Amelia and I are best friends. You two have a completely different relationship. It's not just best friends, and I think you know that," Eddie finished before opening the box of chocolates and stuffing some into his mouth as he walked off to his room, leaving a very confused Jerome behind.

Meanwhile, Amelia, Nina, Amber and Fabian were all upstairs in the girl's room, watching the ad they were supposed to have been in. Unfortunately for them, Amber had too many mess ups, so Mr. Sweet decided to take her place.

They all laughed as they watched Mr. Sweet in the ad. "I can't believe they re-casted me. This must be what it feels like to be a regular untalented person," Amber complained. "Better luck next time," Amelia laughed as she grabbed her pajamas and headed for the bathroom.

As soon as she opened the door, she felt it hit against something. "Oh, hey Patricia, how'd the-," Amelia started asking about the date, not knowing Patricia had missed it, when Patricia shoved past her. "Patricia, what the heck," she yelled. "That's the last time I help Eddie pick out flowers for her," she muttered under her breath as she walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

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