[Chapter Fifty-Six]

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"Guys, I got it," Nina told them as she pulled it out of Jasper's desk drawer. The three who were upstairs hurried down the steps while Amber and Fabian gathered around Nina. "Three reflectors out of six," Fabian smiled as he noticed the small green glass piece in the middle of the mosaic. The falcon practically glistened as Amber held her flashlight over it so Fabian could try and get it out.

Fabian grabbed a small blade from the drawer and began to try and take the reflector out. "Careful, easy does it," Nina told him as they all eagerly waited for him to extract the piece. "Yeah, cause we wouldn't want to break it. What with it being so very, very pretty," Amber muttered in disgust as Fabian popped the reflector out of the mosaic. He held it up and shined his flashlight over it before showing it to the others, a huge smile on all of their faces, "We got it!"

"Can we go now? It's like being surrounded by homework," Amber complained. They all started to walk away until Fabian realized they still had to put the mosaic away. "Oh, Amelia can you hold this," he asked her as he handed her the small reflector. She grabbed it and stood by the door, waiting for Fabian to put the mosaic away. Nina also decided to wait while the others went on ahead of them.

They watched in confusion as Fabian placed the mosaic back and paused at the drawer, as if he had noticed something else. A second later Fabian was pulling out the artifact that Jasper had told them had been stolen. "What is it," Nina asked him as he walked over to the empty display case Jasper had shown him and Amelia the day before.

"Fabian, please don't tell me that's what I think it is," Amelia sighed sadly as she walked over to the display case and stood next to him. The look on his face told her everything she needed to know. "Fabian, Amelia, are you guys okay," Nina asked, still not realizing what was going on. "It's Jasper's Ushabti," "The one he told us had been stolen," Amelia added.

"This is supposed to be halfway across the country," Fabian angrily hissed. "Do you think Jasper lied to me," "And Jerome," Amelia added, knowing that Fabian had confirmed Jasper's story with him afterwards, so he could be a hundred percent sure. "Let's just go," she sighed as she headed off in front of the two. The others had waited for them in the initial tunnel right outside the library entrance.

It was almost like a complete replay of the night they had heard Jasper and Jerome arguing with each other in the library. Amelia stormed off in front of the others and immediately headed up to her room. She didn't notice Mara and Eddie cuddled up next to each other, a camera in front of them, as they waited for the Anubis House ghost. She didn't hear Patricia yell, the two of them wake up or the flash of the camera as Amber jumped across the open space.

It was as if this new information had shut her off and she did exactly what she did the last time. She headed straight for her room and went to bed, ignoring the girls hushed conversation as they walked in behind her. All Amelia wanted was for this whole mess to be over, but little did she know, the worst of it was right around the corner.


Nina was the first one to wake up the next morning and she almost immediately noticed that the dollhouse was missing from the closet. The night before had ended on such a bad note, that the girls hadn't even noticed the wide open and empty closet. "Amber," Nina yelled, making both her and Amelia wake up as she turned their bedroom light on. Amelia let out a loud groan as she threw her pillow over her face to shield herself from the bright light.

"Hey, you broke my no artificial light rule," she winced as her eyes scrunched up from the bright light. Nina ignored her comment as she continued to pester Amber about the missing dollhouse, that they had all seemingly disregarded the night before.

"Amber, do you notice anything different?" Amelia peaked her head up from under her pillow and blankets, curious to see what Nina was referring to. Her eyes widened when she looked to her left and noticed the empty closet. "Oh, I always get this wrong," Amber sighed as she sat up in her bed. "Did you straighten your hair," Amber asked Nina, causing Amelia to laugh as she looked at Nina's clearly wavy hair.

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