[Chapter Thirty-Three]

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"Amelia wake up, we need to get up and out before Victor wakes up." Amelia let out a loud yawn and stretched, looking up at Nina who had just woken her up. Her eyes landed on her alarm clock to see that it was barely six thirty in the morning. "You've got be kidding me," she whined.

Nina had to steal her covers, so she would actually get up. Amelia stomped around the room and changed, grabbing her bag and huffing as she headed pulled her hair into a ponytail. She walked downstairs and met up with the rest of the group in the hallway. She laid her head on Alfie's shoulder and let out a big yawn.

"Is Victor still asleep?" "Uh huh," "He's sleeping like a baby." "Lucky; I wish I was sleeping like a baby," Amelia grumbled. "Well lucky ole' Victor," Amber sarcastically replied, obviously also wanting to still be asleep. "I don't think he'll see it that way when he wakes up and realizes the amulets are gone," Fabian replied. "That's why we need to get to school before he wakes up. Tonight we go back to the tunnels and face our fears."

"Guys, what about breakfast?" "There's not time," Fabian told Alfie who started to protest. "Can we stop by the lounge, so I can get some sleep in before first period starts?" They all shook their heads yes causing Amelia to half smile, half yawn. "Yay," she groggily cheered.

Once they reached the school they all headed into the lounge like Amelia had requested they do. The others talked quietly while Amelia laid herself out on one of the couches and tried to doze off. Amelia got about twenty minutes of sleep before Alfie woke her up. "Sorry bud, it's time for class."

Amelia let out a loud groan as she sat up. Alfie looked down at her and then leaned down so his back was facing her. He motioned to her to get on his back. "You're the best," she smiled as she jumped on his back, so he could give her a piggyback ride.

They walked through the halls and to his locker, so he could get some books out. Everyone looked at them weirdly as Amelia tried to help him grab his books and put some away, so she wouldn't have to get off his back.

On their way to class they passed by Mara and Jerome who were hugging by her locker. "Well that's different" Alfie commented, never expecting to have seen the two of them hugging or interacting like that. Amelia sighed, not really knowing what to think about it, as she laid her head on his back and closed her eyes, trying to get the image out of her head.

Once the two of them broke apart, Alfie walked him and Amelia over to them. "Hey guys," Mara smiled. "Alfie, I think you have something on your back man," Jerome pointed out. "Oh really? I thought that was just my backpack. No wonder it felt heavier today." Amelia scoffed and kicked out her leg, hitting him in the thigh.

"Actually, Alfie was just being a gentleman as carrying me to class. You know, before he insulted me. If I wasn't so tired I would storm off in a dramatic exit. But I'm exhausted so I'll just sit here and pout." The three of them laughed at her as they headed off to their first class. Once they walked in Alfie walked her over to her desk and sat her down on the table. She sighed and unwrapped herself from his back. She jumped off the desk and sat down, praying that today would be a quick day so she could go back to Anubis house and take a long nap.


It was finally the end of the day and Amelia had managed not to fall asleep during any of her classes. She was ready to go back to the house and jump right into her bed. That was until Nina walked up to her and reminded her that they were planning on going down to the tunnels immediately once they got home. "I am going to die from a lack of sleep, you do realize that, right?"

Nina laughed as they walked back to the house to meet the rest of the group. They all changed and then met up in the kitchen. They walked down into the cellar and into the antechamber. "So, Patricia's doing Victor's little chores, so it's just us tonight. Everyone got their amulets," Nina asked them. Everyone held up their amulets except for Alfie.

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