[Chapter Twenty-Three]

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Jerome and Amelia talked a bit about school, stopping once Fabian started his speech. Once his speech was over, she left Jerome and walked over to Nina and Fabian who looked worried, Amber walking over shortly after her. "Is anyone else feeling deja vuey? The same fights, the same gossip. Jerome and Amelia were just over there talking and now you two here, together. It's freaking me out. Don't you two dare dance," Amber pointed between Nina and Fabian. "And you," she turned around and pointed at Amelia. "No more talking to Jerome."

Amelia rolled her eyes, "We have to calm down. The music was always supposed to be classical, Fabian was always going to make that speech. Also, we can't change what the people around us do, only what we do," Amelia reassured them.

Amelia walked away from her worried friends, and over to Patricia, who had just been talking to Eddie. "So, you and Eddie huh," she smirked. Patricia scoffed, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Amelia shook her head, knowing Patricia knew exactly what she was talking about. "I see the way you look at him. He's pretty much perfect for you," Patricia scoffed as Amelia continued. "When I first met him, I thought you two would make a great couple. I just never thought I'd get the chance to make it happen," she smirked as Patricia scoffed again.

"Nothing is happening between me and Eddie," she huffed, annoyed that Amelia wouldn't let it go. "Oh, come on Patricia! You guys are cute together and I can tell when Eddie likes a girl, and he definitely likes you. What were you guys just talking about?" "How I never dance," Patricia replied. "Ooo you should go dance with him!" "No," Patricia snapped. "Why not; he's a great guy once you get to know him. Plus, I saw the way you two were looking at each other earlier."

Patricia stood there for a moment, thinking it over, when an idea popped in her head. If Amelia was going to try and set her up, then Patricia was going to do the same. "I'll dance with Eddie if you go ask Jerome to dance." A blush crept up on Amelia's face, "Why would I ask Jerome to dance?" Patricia smirked at her, "I think you know why." Before Amelia could make another snarky comment, Eddie walked over to them, asking her to dance once again.

Patricia hesitated and looked over at Amelia, who was still standing there. She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at her, showing her that she wasn't going to dance with Eddie unless Amelia danced with Jerome.

Amelia let out a small groan, walking over to Jerome and Alfie, immediately regretting her decision once she reached them. "Jerome, do you want to dance with me?" Jerome and Alfie both looked at her in shock. Alfie was behind Jerome smirking and making eyes at them both. Amelia glared at her best friend and grabbed Jerome's hand, pulling him onto the dance floor.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked over to the other side of the room, to see Patricia and Eddie dancing. Jerome had barely moved, still in shock. "You asked me to dance? You don't dance! Something's up," Jerome rambled on. "Patricia told me she wouldn't dance with Eddie unless I asked someone to dance with me. You just happened to be the closest," she lied.

"I wish you wouldn't have," Jerome muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Amelia to hear. Jerome's eyes widened as soon as the words came out of his mouth, realizing that he had just told her he didn't want to dance with her.

"Wait, I don't mean it like that! I mean, Alfie and I dared Eddie to try and go dance with Patricia. If he couldn't get her to dance, he had to give me all his money for this month." "And if he won," Amelia asked, interested to hear what Jerome's punishment would be. "I have to go up on stage and rap 'She'll be coming round the mountain.'" Amelia started to laugh, "Oh, I can't wait to see that!"

The silence slowly grew between them as they finished their conversation and continued to sway to the music, breaking apart once it was over. They decided to walk back over to Alfie who was smirking at the both of them, eyebrows raised in a suggestive manner. "So, did you two have fun dancing?" They both rolled their eyes at him, "Just make sure you film Jerome's performance."

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