[Chapter Forty-Three]

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If you asked any bystander of the ping-pong tournament, what's one word they would use to describe it, they would collectively say a mess. It started with the other team winning and then Jerome figuring out that they had cheated. It continued with Amber not being able to play anymore because she kept pulling muscles in her arm and then ending with a very spastic Alfie making the winning point.

While everyone was celebrating, the members of Sibuna snuck out and into the forest where they all had their initiation ceremonies. While Nina was trying to figure out what was going on, she realized that Amelia wasn't there. "Guys, where's Amelia?" "Didn't she go to the bathroom halfway through the game," Amber asked. "Did she," Fabian asked as he tried to remember where he had last seen her. "Yeah, but I don't think she ever came back." Nina started to get worried.

"Don't worry Nina. She probably just headed back to the house once she realized the game was over," Amber commented, trying to reassure her best friend. "Yeah, you're right. We should get home though and find her. Ya know, make sure I didn't curse her too."

Back at the school, Jerome was staring at the Frobisher shield that he and Alfie had just won back. He pulled the gem out of his pocket, wanting so badly to put it in, but something in him was telling him to wait for Amelia to show up.

"What are you waiting for gerbil? Let's put this in and cure dad's bad luck," Poppy smiled. "I was waiting for Amelia to show up, but I guess that's not going to happen," he sighed sadly as Mr. Sweet walked in and began to ask about the gem. Once they were done, Mr. Sweet took a picture of Poppy and Jerome with the shield and then they headed back to the house, where the others had set up a party for him.

Meanwhile, back at the school Amelia was still lying on the floor of the bathroom. That was until the janitor walked in and saw her, letting out a small scream. He began to shake her until Amelia finally stirred awake. Amelia opened her eyes to see the janitor peering over her, causing her to let out a scream of her own.

"What-what's going on," she muttered as she rubbed the back of her head. "I just came to clean up and found you lying on the ground. Are you okay? Should I call the hospital?" Amelia shook her head and slowly stood herself up. "No, I'm okay, I think. I don't know what happened," she mumbled.

Her eyes widened once she remembered the ping-pong game had been going on. "Is the game over?" "Yes," "Did we win," she asked hopeful that Jerome had pulled it off. "It was a close game but yes Amun won the shield back!" Amelia nodded her head and left out the door, yelling thank you to the janitor before she walked back down to the lounge. She walked over to the shield and smiled sadly when she saw the gem in the shield. She was sad she wasn't there to see him win but was so excited to go home and congratulate him.

Amelia grabbed her stuff from her locker and then slowly headed off toward the house, trying to go slowly, not wanting to pass out again. Amelia walked through the front door and into the living room, where everyone was socializing. "Amelia," Nina called out, happy to see that she was okay. Jerome quickly stood up from his seat and rushed over to her, immediately noticing the blood peeking out from under her hair.

"Amelia, what happened," he asked as he took a napkin and dabbed at the dry blood that was on the corner of her forehead. She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure. I just know the janitor walked into the girl's bathroom to clean and saw me passed out on the ground. I'm so sorry I missed your win. I know how important this game was to you." "Shh, it's okay. I'm just glad you're here right now," he smiled as he brought her in for a hug.

Once they parted, Nina walked over to her and lightly tugged at her arm. "Come on Amelia, urgent Sibuna talk." Amelia slowly nodded her head and began to follow Nina, until she caught site of a half-eaten cake out of the corner of her eye. "Wait," she yelled as she took a detour and grabbed a piece of cake and a spoon and then followed Nina up to their room.

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