[Alternate Ending]

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Amelia had been thinking about this decision ever since she had received the letter from her father. She knew she had to get away from him before something bad could happen, or at least something worse. Trudy had already been kidnapped and Sibuna was under more stress than they could handle. Amelia knew Sibuna needed her, but she had convinced herself that they could easily finish the task without her.

Deep down inside she felt like she had to stay, not only to help Sibuna find the mask, but also because she knew that if she left again, she was probably never coming back. Amelia knew she couldn't handle leaving everyone again, but in the moment, it seemed like her only choice. She would rather leave again and risk her own happiness, if it meant saving the ones she loved.

She continued to second guess her decision as she searched online for the earliest bus and plane ticket that would get her back to America as soon as possible. Once she found one listed for three days later, she knew she had to start her goodbye train now and keep it as hush hush as she could. Because she knew if anyone found out, they'd convince her to stay, and that was the last thing that she wanted.

The first thing Amelia decided to do was go to Victor and tell him she was leaving. She knew she could trust him to keep it a secret. "So, you've decided? Does your mother know?" "I haven't told her yet; she doesn't even know he's back in town. But I know this is what she would want for me and it's the only thing I can think to do. I'm scared Victor." "Well, if that's what you wish to do. I will inform your teachers and you can begin to pack your things. Make sure it is all together and we can ship you whatever you can't take with you." "Thank you, Victor."

After meeting with Victor, Amelia walked downstairs and into the dining room, where everyone was getting ready for lunch. She walked in and saw all their smiling faces, a single tear falling down her face. She quickly wiped it away before anyone could notice and walked over to her normal seat. "Why so smiley Edwards?" "Someone woke up on the right side of their bed this morning," Alfie and Jerome commented. "Actually, I woke up on the left," she joked. "Just happy to be here with you all. I missed this while I was away and figured I should cherish every moment I have with you guys." "Aw how sweet; I'm disgusted," Eddie jokingly scoffed.

Amelia cherished every single moment she spent during that lunchtime with all of them. She made sure to hold onto every little moment that happened, like Jerome subtly stealing half of Amber's biscuit and Alfie throwing his own biscuit at Jerome as payback. She smiled at the subtle looks Fabian and Nina sent each other and watched as Joy and Mara both admired their secret crushes from afar. Amelia smiled to herself, wanting to hold onto every single moment, knowing these would be some of her last.

The rest of the day consisted of Sibuna figuring out how they were going to beat Rufus and Victor to the mask. "I have an idea," Amelia spoke up during a pause in the conversation. "Let's go around and say one thing we love about this group. I think it'll help boost morale during this hard and scary time. I'll go first. This group made me feel like I was a part of something special. You all helped me feel wanted, needed and appreciated. No matter how many scary situations we have been through. Through everyone I've been able to laugh and still have fun. You guys have made me stronger, and for that I am very thankful. I love you guys." "We love you too," Amber smiled through the tears that had started to fall down her cheeks. They all reached over and brought her into a group hug. "Okay, who's next?"


It was the next day and therefore Amelia's last day of school. Amelia had been given the day off so she could pack up her things, but she wanted to spend her last day with her friends, so instead she went to school. Once last period rolled around, Amelia grabbed Alfie and Jerome before they could walk in. "I'm feeling spontaneous today. Let's skip and just have an us day." "Wow, we have corrupted you Edwards." "Yeah, what's got you acting like a rebel all of a sudden," Alfie asked her. "I just want to spend time with my two favorite dudes. Now who's up for some ice cream and arcade games?" The boys both raised their hands, causing Amelia to laugh. She linked her arms through theirs and headed out of the school with them by her side.

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