[Chapter Seventy-Eight]

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"Rufus has taken Jerome," Patricia told them. Amelia felt her whole world still as she sat there emotionless. Her greatest fear had come true and it was as if it had flipped a switch in her and completely shut her down. "What," "And I'm wrong," Amber sighed referring to her comment about how nothing Patricia could tell them could make their day any worse.

"How do you know this," Fabian asked her as they all began to worry. "Eddie finally remembered the name of the uncle who took Jerome. His name was Rene." "The fake name Rufus used with us last year," Nina sighed. "Exactly," Patricia sighed. Alfie and Amelia had been quiet the whole time as the others discussed what had happened. Neither of them knew how to feel. Their best friend in the whole world had been taken; Alfie's other half and the one person that Amelia had all the love in the world for. He was gone, and Amelia couldn't help but think that it was her fault.

"Alfie, Amelia, are you guys okay," Nina asked them, catching on to their sudden silence. "I can't believe Rufus got to him again! I mean he wasn't even a part of the task, why him," Alfie ranted. "Amelia," Fabian softly called out to her as he sat down next to her on Nina's bed. "Talk to us, please," he begged her, not liking the fact that she was so silent, scared that she was coming to the point of no return.

"I left for nothing. I left to keep him safe from my father, and it didn't work. And now I'm back and he still takes him. It's all my fault. It should've been me. My biggest fear has come true and it's all my fault," she whimpered as a few stray tears fell down her cheeks. "Your father is psycho, that is not your fault Amelia," Fabian told her as he wrapped his arm around her. "But it should have been me Fabian, it should have been me," she whispered.

Their conversation was cut short once Vera announced that it was time for dinner. "Amelia, do you think you'll be okay to go down there and act normal." "She'll be alright," Alfie answered for her as he linked their arms together, promising to himself to not let her out of his sight the rest of the night. "I'll be fine," she lied as her and Alfie walked out of the girls room together.

Throughout dinner, Amelia couldn't help but think about Jerome. She was terrified that her father would hurt him and confused as to why he took him when he could have easily taken her. Maybe it was just that Jerome was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she wasn't. She couldn't help but feel guilty and she was completely shattered that all of her efforts to keep the one she cared about most safe, had seemingly blown up in her face.

Alfie grabbed her hand under the table and gave it a small squeeze once he noticed his best friend lost in her thoughts. She thankfully smiled up at him as they finished up their dinner. Once they were all finished, they headed back up to the girls room to create a game plan for the next day. They knew they had to save Jerome and find the key to the mask before the others, or else Senkhara was going to claim each of their lives.

After about an hour of deliberating, they had finally come up with a plan, and one that Amelia wasn't a hundred percent on board with. Amelia wanted to be a part of the team that was going out to look for Jerome, but they all told her it would be too dangerous for her to go.

"Okay Sibuna's, here's the plan. Patricia, Alfie, Fabian first thing tomorrow morning you guys will go to the barn. See if Rufus is keeping Jerome there. Amber, Amelia and I will go see if we can find a way to open that mask cabinet." "Pity Frobisher-Smythe couldn't leave a spare key under the mat like any normal person," Amber complained. "Wait, what if he did," Nina questioned, looking around at the others to see if they agreed with her.

"Remember Trudy's dollhouse clue?" "About a key in the seat of learning," Fabian replied. "What if it meant a real key all along," Nina suggested. "So, you think there might be a spare key hidden somewhere in the library?" "It makes sense," Amelia replied, finally deciding to join in on the conversation. "What do you mean Amelia," Patricia asked her.

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