[Chapter Forty]

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"Nina," Fabian yelled one last time, as the wall they had just opened, slammed shut, trapping Nina on the other side, all by herself. Nina walked around the beginning of the hall, flashing her phone flashlight. Everything was fine until her flashlight landed on a lion's head farther down, causing Nina to let out a loud scream.

"Nina," "Fabian," they both yelled as Amelia made her way through the strings, so she could get to the wall. "Nina what is it?" "I think there's something in here," she told them. "What's the plan," Alfie asked them. "We need a plan, tell me you have a plan!" "Help, you have to get me out," Amelia heard Nina yell as she reached the wall. "Fabian, the spider," Amelia pointed to his back where he held the larger spider they had found with the smaller ones.

"You're right, it's got to be the big spider that holds the door open." Fabian handed the spider over to Amelia, since she was already at the wall. "Please work," she muttered as she attached the spider to the indentation in the wall. "Amelia, hurry up!" "No, don't do this," Fabian yelled as the wall stayed still even after Amelia had placed the spider in the wall. "Just be patient," she told them.

Right as Amelia said that, she fell to the ground as all the strings began to shoot back into the wall, a loud cranking noise filling the room. Fabian ran over to her as the wall began to open back up, revealing a very relieved and teary-eyed Nina. "I'm okay; go hug your girl," Amelia huffed as she brushed Fabian off and stood herself up. The members of Sibuna ran over to Nina and brought her into a big hug as Amelia slowly walked over.

Once they broke apart, Nina wrapped her arms around Amelia, "Thank you for saving me." "Always here to save the day," she joked as she hugged her back. They all headed into the next hallway, ready to see what had scared Nina.

"Ew creepy," Amber groaned as they walked toward the giant lion's head that stood in the middle of the room. Nina shook her head, "Way creepier when you can only see its eyes, and you think it's alive, trust me." "You seriously need to man up Nina," Alfie scoffed, causing Amelia to hit him with her arm. "Alfie behind you," Patricia yelled as she tapped him on his shoulder. Alfie screamed and turned around, "Now who needs to man up," Fabian chuckled.

"Oh wait," Amelia yelled causing them all to jump. "What's wrong," Fabian asked, now worried that she had sensed something bad was going to happen. "I forgot to tell you guys that I had a dream last night about a lion trying to maul me while I mixed chemicals." They all looked at each other and then back at the lion block, "Well, I guess that explains this room then," Nina sighed. "Sorry, I meant to tell you guys this morning." "It's okay; at least it's not a real lion like the one in your dream."

"Chemicals, no labels," Fabian told them as he walked around and looked at the bottles at the side of the room. "This smells familiar; I can't quite put my finger on it," Nina told them as she sniffed one of the bottles. "It smells like Christmas," she asked as she let Fabian and Amelia sniff it. "Whatever it is, I love it," Amelia smiled as she leaned in for another sniff.

"I wasn't scared ya know; I was just on high alert. Which we should all be on by the way," Alfie muttered as he wandered around the room. "Uh sure, whatever Alfie," Patricia scoffed as she turned to the big lion wall in the middle of the room.

"Uh, Fabian," she called out. "Okay this freaky lion head thing," "It's Sekhmet, right? The warrior goddess and goddess of healing," Amelia interrupted. Fabian shook his head yes. "She's the goddess of medicine." "Look," Nina pointed out as she walked around the wall, "There's openings in these, and there's this channel, and it leads to the door. Ew, with some kind of goo on it," she cringed as she glanced at the wall. "Must hold it in place," she suggested.

They all looked over the lion block, trying to figure out what they were supposed to do for their next task. "We've got a big bunch of chemicals, six snaky tubes that go down to this mixing jar that leads straight on to a door with some weird goo around it." "Thanks captain obvious," Amelia joked causing Amber to glare over at her. "Sorry, was just trying to lighten the mood. I'll shut up now."

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