[Chapter Sixty]

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Amelia woke up the next morning a bit dazed and confused. She looked around and slowly started to remember how she had slept in the boy's room that night, because she had been too scared to sleep alone. She smiled down at Scruffy who she was still clutching onto. Amelia placed Scruffy down on Jerome's pillow, next to his head, before unwrapping herself from his blankets.

She tried her best to quietly leave the room, without waking up either of the boys, as she slowly rose out of Jerome's bed and tip-toed her way across their room. She slipped out, the door slightly creaking as she pulled it shut. Once she was in the clear, she headed back up to her room where both Nina and Amber were still sleeping soundly.

She decided she would go ahead and get ready before everyone else woke up, not wanting to face anyone after her big scene she had in the middle of the hallway the day before. She grabbed her clothes and toiletries and headed for the bathroom on their floor. Once she was ready for the day, she packed up her bag and slipped out of the room, just as Nina's alarm clock began to ring.

She headed down to the kitchen, made a sandwich and grabbed an apple, before heading out of Anubis House and toward the library. She decided she would hang out there and do some reading, before having to head over to school, since it was still early.

"Morning Jasper," she smiled as she walked in to the library. "Morning Amelia; never expected to see anyone else but me in here this early." "Yeah, I didn't sleep well and didn't want to stay in the house waiting for the others to wake up. You don't mind, do you?" He shook his head and smiled at her again, "No, it's great to see you in here so eager to use your time to read. Enjoy," he gestured around the room as he walked back over to his desk and sat down.

Amelia spent the next hour reading in her special spot in the library, before checking her phone and realizing that her first class started in ten minutes. She quickly put the book back that she had been reading and rushed down the stairs. "Bye Jasper," she called out as she rushed past him and ran out the front door of the library.

She made it to Amun with a few minutes to spare. She slowed down as she walked through the front doors and headed to her locker. "Amelia," she heard someone yell as she grabbed her English book and shut her locker door. She turned and saw a very frantic looking Jerome running down the hallway toward her.

"Woah what's wrong," she asked him, but instead of answering her he just wrapped his arms around her and brought her in for a hug. "I was so worried when I didn't see you this morning and then again when I didn't see you at breakfast. I thought something had happened! I thought maybe-," he rambled but Amelia grabbed his shoulders, stopping his rambling almost instantly.

"Jerome, Jerome, it's okay, I'm okay. I didn't want to wake you up or freak Alfie out that I was in your room, so when I woke up, I left and got ready. I ended up waking up super early, so I grabbed some food and then hung out in the library until just a few minutes ago. I'm okay," she told him causing him to let out a long sigh of relief. "I was so worried," he admitted as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they headed off to their first class.


The rest of Amelia's day seemed to drag on. She was avoiding the rest of her housemates while simultaneously being attached to Jerome's hip all day. She didn't want anyone asking her about the other day, and he didn't want her out of his sight. He was so worried that Rufus would come after her. He knew how Rufus was with them, and he didn't want to imagine how he would act with his own daughter, who was clearly just as terrified as they all were of him.

As their last class came to an end, Amelia dreaded heading back to the house. Alfie ran off in front of them, still not sure how to feel about accidentally finding out that Rufus was Amelia's dad. He didn't want to believe what Nina was saying about her, but he didn't know what to believe. Had Amelia known the whole time what her father had done to them? He kept telling himself it couldn't be true, but it was slowly starting to become harder to believe as Nina placed her own ideas in his head.

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