[Chapter Thirty-Five]

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Amelia woke up happy to have gotten another full night's rest. She got changed and then headed down to breakfast, where she helped Mara set the table. Amelia noticed that there was no tension or uneasiness in the air. Everyone had seemed to have gone back to normal, except for Jerome who was waiting for the goose in his room to give him back his precious gem, that it had eaten.

Once breakfast was over, they all walked over to the school together. Amelia sat down next to Michael and he immediately started talking about the goose running around the other day. "Did you see that goose running around the halls yesterday?" "Yeah, it was pretty crazy." "I wonder how it even got into the school. I mean I've never seen any geese around here, have you?" "Yeah, yesterday," she joked causing them both to laugh.

Ms. Andrews walked in causing them both to shut up and turn their attention to the board, where Ms. Andrews was already starting to talk about Shakespeare.


"Projects due in tomorrow. Please no excuses. And Alfie, Jerome, we all know you don't have a dog, so that particular excuse won't fly," Ms. Andrews pointed at them. "Aren't you allergic to dogs Alfie," Amelia asked him, causing him to shrug his shoulders. Amelia shook her head and laughed, before heading over to the rest of the Sibuna gang who had grouped up.

"So, what's the plan tonight?" "We need to get better at dodging those spider threads. We'll practice later?" "Aw, you better count me out. Detention date with El' Victoro," Patricia informed them. "You never know, you may be home in time. Plus, I was planning on stopping by the library after school, but I'll help set the web up once I'm back." They all agreed to meet later, after dinner, to do more much needed practice.

Trudy walked into the classroom as they walked out, each of them saying a quick hello as they passed by their old house mother. Amelia headed off to her next class, eager to finish the day and head to the library so she could do more research.


It was the end of the day and Amelia was spending her Study Hall trying to finish her English project, so she wouldn't have to worry about it later. Meanwhile, the boys were messing around like usual, and trying to think of ways that would force the goose to pop out the gem sooner rather than later.

"Have you two even started your projects that are due tomorrow," Amelia asked, turning around in her seat so she could face the boys. "I was thinking I could say our goose ate it. I could even have Mr. Sweet vouch for me," Alfie told her. "That's never going to work," she sighed.

"I can help you two later if you want?" They both shook their heads yes, both thinking that she was going to do the whole project for them, but she was going to make them work. "And if you two think I'm going to spend my whole night doing your projects myself, you're crazy." Both boys let out loud groans and sighs, "Dang it," "So close."


The school day had finally come to an end and the trio of Amelia, Jerome and Alfie were headed back to the house. Once they returned home, the boys ran to their room to check on the goose, while Amelia walked up to her room to change out of her uniform. Once she was all done, she grabbed the list of books that Jasper had given her and headed out to the library.

"Hey Jasper," she smiled as she entered the library. "Amelia, hi! Haven't seen you around here lately." "Yeah, schools got me busy," she sighed, wandering around the first floor. "Jasper," "Hmm?" "Where are your books about Egyptian god's and goddesses?" "Most of them are on the top floor. Are you looking for anyone specific?" "The goddess Neith." "Ah, the weaver goddess of war. Follow me."

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