[Chapter Two]

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It was time for dinner, everyone's favorite time of the day. Amelia helped Trudy dish out all of the food onto plates and bowls for everyone, as the rest of the group sat around the dining room table. After placing the food on the table, Amelia sat down in-between Alfie and Fabian. "Well this is cozy," Alfie chuckled as the group looked around at how crowded the table was. "Seems like we may need to get a bigger table," Mick offered. Everyone at the table laughed.

"So, I need details on everything that happened while I was gone," Amelia said while looking around at everyone who seemed to be lost in their thoughts. "Well," Amber started; oh, this should be interesting Amelia thought. "Me and Mick dated for a while and then we broke up," Amber started, leaning over toward Amelia and whispering, "He was devastated. But then him and Mara got together. Nina came, Joy was gone and we all thought Nina had killed her, well not all of us just Patricia." "Hey," Patricia yelled. "Patricia dumped a pitcher on Nina," "Oh don't forget the pitcher of water I dumped on you as well Amber," Patricia chuckled.

Amber glared at her before continuing. "Anyway, Nina and Fabian practically fell head over heels for each other as soon as they met. Joy came back at the end of the year, Mara almost got Mick suspended, Mara turned goth for a day. Um what am I forgetting," Amber asked the group. "Amber also agreed to date me, but she seems to have forgotten that," Alfie sassed. "Alfie, I thought you were going to die, of course I was going to tell you something nice," Amber scoffed. "Oh, remind me to tell you about all the pranks and schemes Jerome and I did while you were gone," Alfie mentioned. Amelia smiled and nodded her head, making a mental note to ask him about that later.

"But what we really want to know is what happened to you Amelia, and why you all the sudden disappeared." Patricia pointed her fork at Amelia as she spoke. Everyone's eyes were on Amelia, except for Jerome's. He hadn't looked at her since he sat down at the table, still not knowing how to react to her just showing up after two years of zero communication. "Where do I start," she asked herself, trying to figure out what she could say without giving away why she really left.

"Well I didn't know I was leaving; it was all very sudden. We had some family problems going on that we needed to work through. Everything has been worked out and that's why I'm back here, which I am really happy about because I missed you all," she sighed, hoping no one would ask for any specifics. After she was done she looked over at Jerome who had finally lifted his gaze from his food to her. "So where did you go when you left," Mara asked. "Well we relocated to America, because at the time it wasn't the best choice for us to be here. That's why I had to transfer out of the school," she told them.

"Why didn't you keep in contact with us," Amber asked her sounding hurt and disappointed. "I couldn't let anyone know where I was going to be. I figured cutting off contact with everyone would make leaving easier. Especially knowing I wasn't going to be able to tell any of you the details of where I was and why I left." "You kept in contact with Fabian though, didn't you," Patricia asked her. "This morning you mentioned that he had asked you about what picture to choose for his profile picture before us, which meant he would've had to of asked you online somehow," Patricia pointed out. Patricia's comment caused Jerome to perk up, now suddenly very interested in how Amelia was going to answer this question.

"Fabian messaged me a couple times. I finally wrote him back, and I-I was going to tell him I couldn't talk, but I figured keeping in contact with him would leave a window open to all of you. I'd be able to hear how you guys were, without risking too much." Amelia looked down at her hands and started to play with them; this was a nervous habit of hers. She felt her nerves rise as the conversation continued. "I'm really sorry I didn't keep in touch, I really am. I missed you guys like crazy while I was in America. That American school didn't live up to Amun," she finished. Fabian sent her a small smile, "Well I know I speak for all of us when I say we are happy to have you back here." Everyone nodded their heads except for Jerome and Joy. Jerome still hasn't figured out how he feels about the whole situation, especially after hearing that she kept in contact with Fabian and not him. Joy on the other hand just didn't like Amelia and was worried that she was going to be yet another roadblock to getting with Fabian.

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