[Chapter Fifty-Five]

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Patricia complained about Eddie and Mara the whole way through the tunnels. Amelia kept nodding her head and mumbling responses as they reached the tunnel they were headed for. Nina and Fabian placed the mirror and cup on two of the hand posts and they watched in amazement as the light bent through them when Nina shined her flashlight on the mirror.

"It worked, but I guess we need to do it during the day when there's more light." There was a small pause and Amelia noticed that Fabian and Nina were staring at the wall across from them. "Guys, the moon is moving." "Are you sure Nina," Amelia asked as they walked over toward the wall. She shook her head and pressed her ear against the wall, "It sounds like a clock."

"Yeah, yeah it's moved, look," Fabian told them as he showed them the picture he had taken of the wall when they had first discovered the tunnel. "The moons going to eclipse the sun." "What happens then; we lose?" "Maybe this is the time piece Senkhara is always talking about," Amelia suggested. "Whatever happens, it means we have to find all the reflectors, and fast. What have we got so far?"

Fabian moved his pictures to the one of Victor's zodiac so they could look over it. "What's the one with the mutant lollipop," Amber asked them as she pointed to a symbol on the zodiac. "That's the symbol for child," Nina explained but Fabian quickly shook his head. "No, doll." "Really? I thought since it was opposite the eye it meant like a child's glasses or something."

"No, it means doll, but I mean the reflector can't be a doll, they're plastic. So, maybe it means dollhouse windows?" This time it was Nina's turn to correct Fabian. "No, the riddle doll, it had glass eyes! It was in the attic and then Victor took it, I think. But not the face. The face broke off when I dropped it!" "Uh, hate to rain on your parade but was that right before Trudy junked everything that was in the attic?"

"No, if the eyes been trashed then there's no way we'll ever finish the task!" Fabian placed his arm on Nina's shoulder to try and help her calm down. "Look, we'll ask the dollhouse first, then we'll panic. "Plan," "Plan," Nina agreed. "Shh," Patricia told them when she started to hear voices up above them. "I hear voices from in here." "Yeah, it's Eddie and Mara. This must be the living room," Amber told them as they stood under where they could clearly hear the voices.

Patricia started to get flustered as she listened to them and scoffed when Mara told Eddie to sit close to her because she was scared of the dark. Alfie and Patricia argued for a minute before yelling, "Turn the light back on." They all grabbed at Patricia and yelled at her to be quiet.

They waited as they listened to Mara and Eddie talk about the voice they heard and then leave the room, before they headed back through the tunnels. They quickly got out of the oven and rushed up to the girl's room before they said anything to each other.

"Real smart Trixie," was the first thing Alfie said as they all rushed into the room. Patricia immediately started to apologize. "Sorry guys; I just don't know what came over me!" "The dollhouse," Amber yelled as she noticed light coming from their closet door.

"Please Sarah," Nina begged as she ran over and unlocked their closet door, opening it to reveal the glowing dollhouse. "Please Sarah, tell me that the doll's still here," she begged as she opened the doors of the dollhouse to see where the figurines had been moved to. "The entrance hall," Fabian smiled as they all rushed out of their room and down into the entrance hall, almost forgetting to be quiet so Victor didn't hear them.

They were halfway down the stairs when they noticed Jerome heading out the front door, or more like sneaking out. "Spread out guys, it's gotta be here," Nina whispered, immediately noticing Jerome right after the words left her mouth.

"Hey, Jerome are you okay?" "What has to be here somewhere," he asked Nina, referring to her previous comment. Nina began to stumble over her words, not knowing what to say. "My, nothing. Where are you going?" He quickly shook his head, "Nowhere; just a causal stroll around our beautiful rambling grounds." "Dude it's a little late for an evening stroll," Alfie told him. "I agree, which is why I can't spend another second speaking to you people, goodnight." "Wait Jerome," Amelia whisper yelled, but it was too late, he was already out the door.

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