[Chapter Seventy-Four]

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They all sat around, waiting for Amelia to calm herself down. Once she was calmed down enough for them to make a plan, Fabian took the floor. "Okay, Amelia I know you're really shaken up right now and you already know how I feel about you playing the game after everything that's happened, especially now. So, I propose, us four," he began as he motioned to Amber, Alfie, Patricia and himself. "Go down and do the memory box with Vera."

"But what about us," Joy asked. "I don't think they a hundred percent know that you are a part of this Amelia, and Joy we can't have you put in danger, especially when we need you to help us if this doesn't work out. And especially with everything that is going on, I think you should stay up here with Joy, while we do this memory box thing and go down to the tunnels," he told them. "Amelia please just stay here with Joy," Alfie pleaded. "Fine," she sighed as Joy agreed too.

They all headed out, Alfie giving her one last hug before leaving her with Joy. Amber was the last one out of the room. She crouched down and brought Amelia in for a big hug. "I'm so sorry for what I said. You aren't selfish, I am. I wasn't thinking about how this is all affecting you the most, and I'm so, so sorry for what I said." "It's okay Amber; now go kick that Senet games butt," Amelia smiled as she hugged her back.

Joy and Amelia sat quietly as the other walked out of the room and down to the kitchen where they were going to meet up with Trudy. Joy heard Amelia's soft sniffles next to her and decided to ask what she had wondered since her whole breakdown had begun. "Amelia, do you know Rufus?" "He's my dad," she sighed as she started to fiddle with her hands. Joy gasped but quickly covered it up, knowing that Amelia was currently fragile.

"I'm so sorry about everything he did to you last year Joy. So, so, sorry, to the extent I don't think you'll ever understand." "Hey, it's okay Amelia. It's not your fault that your father is a horrible human being. Is he the reason you left?" Amelia slowly nodded her head, "Yeah, he threatened me and my mom, so she decided to pack us up and move us far away from here. That's why we relocated all the way to America." "And so, you came back because you heard he was dead?" Amelia nodded her again, "I thought I had finally woken up from my nightmare, but it looks like I've found myself in the middle of another one."

"Hey, don't worry. We beat him once and we will beat him again. I know you believe in those guys downstairs and I do too. And I know it probably doesn't mean much coming from me, but you are one of the strongest people I have ever met. I've never really admitted this, but I admire you a lot, especially now after hearing just a snippet of your story." "I don't feel very strong," Amelia admitted.

"You were willing to leave all of your friends because you thought it was the only way to save them. Maybe that's not strong, but it sure as heck is selfless. I could never be as caring and kind as you are. You're always looking after everyone else and being nice to people even when they probably don't deserve it. Especially someone who constantly uses things against you. I'm sorry for being so cruel," Joy apologized.

Amelia turned toward Joy and held out her pinkie. "Let's make a deal. Starting tonight we start off with a clean slate. We take everything that has happened in the past and keep it there. What do you say? Deal," she asked as she motioned down to her pinkie. Joy let out a small laugh as she wrapped her pinkie around Amelia's, "Deal."

They sat there for a few more minutes, just talking, when Joy decided to sneak downstairs to check on the others. "Will you be okay up here," Joy asked her as she stood by the bedroom door. "I'll manage," she half smiled as Joy walked out of the room and snuck downstairs to spy on Vera and the others. Amelia felt her cheeks dampen as a few tears rolled down them. "Please just let me wake up from this nightmare," she whispered.

She sat there for another minute before deciding to finally move. She went into the bathroom and washed her reddened face, before walking down the stairs, her head set on going to Jerome's room to tell him what was going on. She was stopped short though when Joy ran into her. "Amelia, Vera is taking them to the library. We need to go now!" "What, why? Fabian told us to stay here?" "I don't trust those two and I want to make sure they're okay. And I'm sure you want to make sure they are too."

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