[Chapter Fifty]

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Amelia woke up and realized her friend date with Michael was tonight and she still had no idea what movie they were going to go see. She made a mental note to talk about it with him once she saw him in her first class. 

Amelia hurried up and got ready for the day, having woken up slightly later than usual and then headed downstairs for breakfast. Once she was done eating, she headed upstairs to her room to grab her bag, passing Alfie and who she thought was Patricia, on her way up. On her way back down to the front hallway, she stopped in her tracks when she saw Piper, who she still thought was Patricia, kiss Alfie on the forehead. "Are we in some alternate universe?" 

Amelia met Amber and Nina at the front entrance of their house and then they all three headed off to school. Once they got to school, Amelia left the girls and headed straight for her first class, hoping that Michael would be there early. When she walked in, she saw Michael already sitting at their table.

"Hey," she smiled as she sat down and grabbed her French book from her bag. "Hey Amelia," he smiled as he continued to write in his notebook. "So, are we still doing that movie tonight?" Michael's eyes sparkled at the mention of them hanging out. "Yeah, if you're still up for it?" 

Amelia nodded her head and smiled, "Of course! Did you figure out what movie we're seeing?" "Well, there's this movie playing at four, which I thought would be a good time." "Yeah, totally! What's it called?" "The Hunger Games I think." "Is it about eating," Amelia asked completely serious causing Michael to start laughing. "No, I think it's about fighting or something?" "Sounds like a great pick," she laughed. 

"Ooo wait we're going to the one in town, right?" Michael nodded his head causing Amelia to smile widely. "There's this cute little Chinese restaurant in the mall down there. We should totally go afterwards if you're up for it." "I love Chinese food!" "Sounds like a plan then! Do you wanna meet at Anubis house?" Michael nodded his head and then they turned their attention to Ms. Valentine who had just walked into the room. 


The school day had finally come to an end and some of the members of Sibuna decided to go down to the tunnels and place their first reflector down. They all walked down into the tunnels and stood around the hand pillar that had the beam of light shooting out of it. 

"Okay, ready," Nina asked them all. They all shook their heads and waited for Nina to place the mirror down on the light, so they could see what it would do. They watched as a part of the light bent itself to reach the hand next to it, "Woah." Amelia felt a familiar twinge in her side as she looked at the light. "Okay, one down five to go," Nina cheered. 

"Wait, so once we have all the reflectors on all the staffs, it'll bounce the light, make the constellation shape and open the door," Fabian asked them all causing Nina to shake her head. Patricia shrugged her shoulders like this task was going to be easy, "Cinch." "Eh not so much," Nina disagreed.

"We have no idea what the reflectors are. It's like finding needles in a hay stack." "There must be a clue somewhere about where the reflectors are," Amber spoke up. "Fan out guys; fine-tooth comb time," Nina told them as they all began to walk around the small room.

Amelia walked back to the same wall she had been mindlessly searching a few days before when they had been down there. Fabian started to take pictures of all the drawings and the moon cut out on the walls, while Alfie walked toward the drawing of what looked to be a zodiac chart, on the wall next to him. 

"Guys, look at this," Alfie said as he called them all over. "Good job Alfie. Fabian, do you know what this is?" "Huh, oh it's a zodiac chart, but it's not one I've seen before." "Correction, it's an incomplete one," Amelia mentioned. Nina shined her flashlight over the wall, "Okay, well then we need to find out what it is. This might be the lead we're looking for." Fabian took a picture before they headed out of the tunnels and back upstairs, knowing that Vera would be preparing dinner soon. Also, Patricia and Amelia both had dates to get ready for.

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