[Chapter Fourteen]

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Amelia woke up to someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw Nina smiling down at her. "Hey so we thought it would be a good idea to go down to the chamber before breakfast and see if we could find anything. You wanna come with?" Amelia looked over at her clock to see that it was six thirty in the morning. She groaned just wanting to sleep but decided it would be best if she got up and went with them.

"Okay give me like ten minutes and then I'll be down," she sighed. She hurriedly got up and got ready for the day. She grabbed her school bag just in case they ended up not having a lot of time to get to school when they get back from the cellar.

Amelia walked downstairs as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake anyone, and set her bag down by the front door. She walked into the kitchen where Fabian and Nina were waiting for her. "Alright let's do this! You ready Amelia?" "As ready as I'll ever be," she smiled. "Sibuna," Fabian smiled, putting his right hand over his eye. Nina did the same while Amelia looked at them like they had two heads. "Is this the secret handshake for the club?" Nina laughed and shook her head yes, "Oh, by the way, Amber says she wants to do your membership ceremony in the next day or so." "I don't have to give blood, or anything do I," Amelia joked as they headed down the oven and into the cellar. "No just bring a possession of yours that is important to you. Basically, we burn it and then say a little speech," Fabian informed her.

Amelia nodded her head and followed them to the bookshelf, where Nina put the code in. They walked through, and Nina walked over to a dusty desk where there were seven necklaces laid out. Nina picked three up and gave one to Fabian and one to Amelia. "These are called amulets; they're used for protection. Put it around your neck. When we go through this next entrance and into the tunnels, a beam of light will go over us. These amulets will keep us from being blinded like Amber was." "Oh, so now I see how Amber lost her sight." Amelia let out a small laugh at her unintentional pun.

Each of them put their amulet on and Amelia watched as Nina lifted one of the books on the bookshelf, causing the shelf to flip around and place them in the tunnels. After the beam of light went over them, Nina and Fabian walked forward to look around while Amelia stayed back, her eyes glancing over the books on the shelf. "Amelia you coming," Fabian called out to her, but Amelia didn't want to move. Amelia zoned out and focused on the bindings of the books. Some had symbols on them, while others had letters.

"And a bookcase full of books, now what," she heard Nina sigh behind her as she continued to examine the books. "The bookcase is marked with Thoth, the god of knowledge, and we get knowledge from books." Amelia started to move around some of the books, spelling out the name Robert. As she put the last book with the letter T, they heard a cranking noise and Amelia felt a small sting of pain erupt in her side.

"She's figured it out," Nina exclaimed rushing over to Amelia. "Look," she pointed behind them to the empty stone platform that had started to glow. "So, it's not what's in the books, it's what's on them." "But what name are we trying to spell out," she asked. "We need to spell his full name," Nina told them, completely missing Amelia's question. "And Robert Frobisher Smythe is definitely a full name," Fabian laughed. "Robert Frobisher Smythe? You mean the founder of Anubis house?" Nina shook her head as her and Fabian started to put together the next part of his name. Amelia felt another small sting of pain and the cranking noise came back again and the platform started to glow even more.

"Okay, so we're just missing Frobisher. That's nine books missing. Where could they be?" "They're either lying around this house or they're in Frobisher library." "I'm sure they're in the library, it would make sense," Amelia told them. Nina smiled at them, "Okay, let's nail this spelling bee!" "But first, we should head back to the school, classes have already started," Amelia told them.

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