[Chapter Sixty-Seven]

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While Patricia guided Eddie back through the tunnel, the others made their way into the new task room. They walked through the two guards and around to the massive throne in the middle of the room. They made their way around it and stopped at the entrance of the next room. In the room there were Anubis statues littered throughout on a chess like board.

"Woah," Alfie marveled as he looked over all of the statues, the rest of them equally as amazed. "So, this is the chamber of the mask," Fabian smirked, excited that they had finally reached the end of their quest. "And the mask is," "Not here," "No!" "Well, maybe there's another door," Alfie suggested as he took a step forward.

"No, no, no," "Wait," "Alfie come back here," they all commanded as they reached out to pull him back. "We don't want to rush in! It might be a trap," Nina told them as she looked around the room skeptical. Fabian eyed the floor as a small hint of familiarity hit him. "Wait, I think this is a game." "This whole quest has been a game," Amelia sighed as Alfie nodded his head.

"I've seen this board before," Fabian continued. "We need to look it up; let's go." Amelia stayed back for a moment, eyeing the empty glass case that was on the other side of the room. "Amelia are you coming," Alfie asked her as he reached out for her hand. "Yeah, sorry," she mumbled as she headed out behind the rest of them.

They headed out through the main entrance, knowing that Patricia was probably still in the library, and hoping that no one was in the kitchen. They thankfully safely made it back upstairs without anyone seeing them. "Guys, I was thinking-," "Oh, so that's the burning I smelled," Alfie joked. He yelped as Amelia's hand came flying through the air and smacked him on the shoulder. "So violent," he scoffed as he continued to try and rub away the pain she had just cause him.

"Anyway, did anyone notice the glass case across from the board downstairs?" They all nodded their heads, "Yeah, we all noticed that it was empty," Amber sighed. "Well, I was thinking, since Fabian said he thinks the floor is a game which would make sense due to my dream, that maybe once we are able to cross the floor, the case will unveil the mask!" They all slightly perked up at her theory, "Let's hope so," Nina smiled as they all headed off to their separate areas to wait till dinner time.


Dinner had come and gone, and Amelia was currently finishing up the dishes with Eddie. "I swear Miller if you splash me one more time, I'm going to shave your head in the middle of the night." "Yeah right; how are you going to get clippers?" "She can borrow mine," they both turned to see Jerome standing at the entrance, a small smirk on his face. "I see you two are talking again," Eddie smirked as they both blushed. "Can I talk to you for a minute Edwards," Jerome asked her, completely ignoring Eddie's comment.

"I can finish off here; go ahead Amelia," Eddie pushed her before she even had a chance to answer. "I guess it's a yes," she laughed as she followed Jerome to his room. He immediately brought her in for a hug once they walked into his room, as the door closed behind them. Amelia didn't question the hug; she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a small squeeze. "Are you okay Jerome," she asked as they broke apart.

She followed him over to his bed and sat down next to him. "I'm so sorry for telling the others about your dad." "I thought we already did this," she joked as she let out a small laugh. "But you deserve so much more than just one apology. I am so sorry I put you through all of that. I get how it feels now and it sucks." "Jerome what happened?" He sighed as his head slightly fell down as he played with his hands.

"Have you seen the latest Jack Jackal article?" "Ew, Joy is still posting on that even after Nina's article? I swear that girl doesn't know when to stop." "Well she wrote an article about a father and his son and it was basically my life written in that article. I confronted her about and asked her how she knew about my dad's situation, and she admitted that Mara told her about it all." Amelia shook her head, not believing that Mara would do such a thing.

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