[Chapter Three]

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Amelia woke up and did her daily morning routine and then changed into her uniform. "Man, it feels good to be back in this thing," she smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Nina, Amber and her walked down to the dining room together, all of them sitting down in the spots they sat in the night before. Joy and Patricia were right behind them, standing by the little kitchen window. "So Amber talk me through the new do," Joy asked her. Amelia stifled her laugh, not wanting to make Amber mad. Amber let out a loud groan.

Jerome and Alfie walked into the room, Alfie looking joyful like always, before Amber could answer Joy. She immediately stood up and turned toward the two boys. "Alfie Lewis, look at my face!" "Beautiful as ever I-oh," Alfie and Jerome shrieked in horror when she moved her hair out of her face. Amber turned to the girls quickly, "It's not that bad? Is it that bad?" "No of course not Amber, you just look a little red in the face," Amelia joked.

"Amber you look like a balloon animal," Jerome snickered. Amelia placed her hand over her mouth so that she wouldn't laugh too hard. "I knew it," Amber groaned, starting to brush her in front of her face again. "Amber you know I love you for your inner beauty, and no matter what deforming illness you may have -," Alfie started; oh boy was he in for a reality check. "I'll always -," "It's you, you doofus," she yelled. "I'm allergic to raspberries and you made me raspberry flavored cupcakes." The look on Alfie's face was absolutely priceless as he realized this was all his fault. "I for one thought they were delicious," Amelia spoke up. "Oh," Alfie mumbled, flinching as Amber punched him.

Before anything else could be said, the doorbell rang. "Yes, perfect timing," Alfie motioned to Jerome, who got up and ran to answer the door. Amber turned the girls again, "Tell me the truth, hair," she asked brushing her hair in front of her face. Then she brushed the hair out of her face, "Or no hair?" Everyone in the room muttered hair as she sighed in defeat.

Jerome walked in smiling, holding what everyone thought was going to be a bouquet of flowers. Alfie grabbed them from Jerome, but Jerome was still holding something behind his back. He walked over and laid it down on Amber's chair, before sitting down himself. "Here we go this'll cheer you up Amber," Alfie smiled. "What is it," Amber asked cautiously, "Flowers." Almost as soon as Amber picked up the supposed 'flowers' she dropped them to the floor and let out a scream. Everyone started to laugh; the beautiful flowers she was supposed to be receiving, turned out to be a cactus. Nina picked up the cactus, shaking her head disapprovingly. "It's a cactus, you got me a cactus," Amber asked, looking at Alfie like he had two heads. "Gift fail Alfie," Nina sighed. "Aw but I think it's a cute cactus," Amelia spoke up, trying to lighten the mood.

Alfie ran over to Jerome, "What happened to orchids?" "Oh, cacti were two for one," Jerome argued. Amelia's eyes widened as she realized what Jerome had put on Amber's chair. Before Amelia could warn her, Amber was already getting ready to sit down. "Oh, where's the other one," Amber asked as she sat down in her chair. She jumped up immediately, letting out another loud scream. "Oh, good you found it," Jerome laughed. "Aw look Amber it came with a cute little child," Amelia laughed, once again trying to lighten the mood. Out of the corner of her she saw Jerome with a small smile on his face.

Amber gave Alfie a stern look, "No more gifts Alfie! When I said you shouldn't have, you really shouldn't have." Amber stormed off and out the front door. Amelia quickly grabbed an apple before running after her. "Amber wait up. You know that wasn't Alfie's fault, right? Jerome is the one who technically bought the cacti for you." "I know and that is why you two need to be on speaking terms again, so you can stop him from doing things like that," Amber huffed. "Even if we were talking, I would never be able to deter him from pulling a prank like that. But if it makes you feel better, I'm planning on talking to him either tonight or tomorrow." "Good," Amber smiled heading into Ms. Andrews class.

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