[Chapter Forty-Seven]

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Amelia was lying down outside of Anubis house, star gazing. She loved to star gaze. She loved the way they shined and twinkled in the sky, and she loved thinking about what was out there with them. 

"Would you like one," she heard a voice behind her ask. She shook her head and watched as the hooded figure reached their hand up and grabbed a star out of the sky. "Here, hold this for me." She grabbed the star out of their hand, slightly blinding herself with the light radiating off the star. 

"Now point it at that window," they told her. She turned around and pointed the star at one of the windows of Anubis house. She stood there and marveled at the shape of light that began to form as the light from her star bounced off the window. "You're doing amazing Princess. We're almost there."

*End of dream* 

Amelia let out a small groan as she woke up from yet another dream about the house. "I can't wait till this stupid task is over, so I can go back to dreaming about puppies," she grumbled as she got out of bed. Amelia let out a small scream as she tripped over a still asleep, little Alfie. "Ow, I'm trying to sleep here," Alfie yelled at her as she mimicked him. 

"Bite me," she snapped back as she grabbed her uniform and walked out to the bathroom to change. She got changed and then walked back into her room, where Nina and Amber were finishing up. They all walked down to breakfast together and sat with Patricia and Fabian.

"I had another task dream last night." "What was it about," Nina asked her. "Stars and the way their light reflects off things?" "What's that supposed to mean," Fabian asked her. "I don't know; I don't have the key to deciphering them. But I do think this means we are about to finish this next task and unveil the next room, because I always have a dream right before we start a new task." "Well that's good news!" 

"Alright, I'm going to take some food up to Alfie junior!" "When he's eaten, bring him down to his room. Poppy should be here soon to look after him," Nina informed her. Amelia shook her head as she grabbed some food and took it up to Alfie. 

Once Alfie was done eating, and Nina had texted her to tell her Jerome had left and Poppy had arrived, Amelia snuck him down to his room. She left him with Poppy and Nina and then walked back out to the main entrance, where she noticed Fabian walking around aimlessly. 

"Fabian, what are you doing?" Fabian brushed her off as he continued to walk up and down the stairs, reading the notes in his hand. Vera walked up beside Amelia and stood there, also watching Fabian as he paced on the steps. "Lost something," she asked as he walked down the stairs and stopped in front of them. He let out a long sigh, "You could say that. It's just, I've been making mental notes." "Well I'm sure it all makes sense to you," Vera smiled as she rolled her eyes and walked past them. 

She stopped once she saw one of Fabians notes at the bottom of the steps. "Oh, you dropped one," she told him as she handed it over. "Oh, thank you," Fabian smiled as he grabbed the note from her. Amelia walked over and leaned over Fabian's shoulder as he opened the note and began to read it out loud. "Dear Fabian, Vera is going to steal," "Fabian stop reading," Amelia hushed him, as her eyes widened. 

"Anything important dear," Vera asked, looking down on them as she tried to read the note in his hand, after clearly hearing her name. "Um, no, no, nothing, nothing at all." "Just a list of homework assignments," Amelia lied, as she grabbed Fabian's arm and started to tug. "Let's go," she rushed as they grabbed their bags off the ground and rushed out of the house. 

They stopped once they were outside. "We should go to the library at lunch, so we can clear our names," Amelia told him. "Good idea," Fabian agreed. "But first, let's get to school. I really don't want any more detentions this year," she laughed as they linked arms and headed off to school. 

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