[Chapter Seventy-Five]

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Amelia woke up in a daze. Everything from the night before came crashing back to her as she sat up and looked around at her surroundings. She had spent the night in Jerome and Alfie's room, and was surprised that Jerome was still missing. She looked over at Jerome's alarm clock and let out a small squeal as she realized it was almost time to head out for school. She quickly grabbed her blanket and Scruffy, readying herself to go back upstairs.

She walked out of their room and shut the door behind her. She turned to leave and ran into Mara who was walking back and forth down the hall, planning out how she was going to confess her feelings to Jerome. "Oh, hi Amelia. What are you doing down here?" Mara eyed her blanket and the stuffed dog in her arms suspiciously as the girl hurried to think of a lie. "Oh, I needed to ask Jerome something, but he doesn't seem to be in there. Well gotta go get ready; bye Mara," Amelia smiled as she rushed past the still suspicious girl and ran upstairs to her room.

Mara looked in the boys room herself, wanting to make sure that Amelia was telling her the truth. She didn't see either boy and quickly grew concerned. Meanwhile, Amelia hurried to get ready for the day and then headed back downstairs to the dining room once she was done.

She walked in and took her normal seat next to Fabian. She sadly smiled as she watched Amber throw food into her bag to give to Alfie and Amber later. "Amber what are you-," Eddie started, confused as to why she was stuffing her bag with food. "I get low blood sugar, and it's rude to stare," Amber sassed as she threw one more banana into her bag and then zipped it up.

"Has anyone seen Jerome this morning, or Alfie," Mara asked as she walked into the room. Patricia was quick to speak up, "Uh, Alfie's sick." "Yeah, he's got cocopoxs," Amber lied, silently high-fiving herself for coming up with the disease name on the spot. Fabian and Amelia both looked at her with wide eyes, figuring that she had just messed up the lie. "Um, yeah he's gone over to see the nurse. Better to get something like that checked out really," Fabian added, trying to help make Amber's lie believable.

"And Jerome," Mara asked. "No idea where Jerome is," Joy told her causing both Mara and Amelia to sigh. Eddie walked in and placed his food down next to Amelia. "Oh I-I saw him last night. He left with his uncle," he informed them. "Uncle," Amelia muttered under her breath. "Oh, what uncle," Mara questioned him but Eddie merely shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know; it was bizarre," he admitted. "Weird," Fabian sighed as they all dug into their food.


Breakfast had ended and Amelia was preparing herself to head over to the school. "Hey loser, wait up," she heard Eddie yell as she went to walk out of the house. "Who are you calling loser Mr. I used to have a stamp collection when I was younger," she jokingly shot back. "Hey, those stamps were cool," he defended as they began to walk to school together.

"So, what's up?" "Why does something have to be up? Maybe I just wanted to walk to school with my best friend," he smiled as he slung his arm around her shoulders. "While I appreciate the thought, I know you and I can tell there's something on your mind. Spill Miller." "Well, Jerome's uncle came to get him last night because a favorite aunt of his had passed away. He said you knew her, and I just figured I'd break the news to you while he's away." Amelia stopped walking, completely confused at Eddie's statement.

"I don't think I've ever met an aunt of Jerome's." "Really? Because his uncle clearly said your name and asked if they should go tell you, but they both seemed in a rush to leave." "Did he say which aunt," she asked him, wanting to see if she recognized the name. "Nope," Eddie sighed, wishing he could give her more information. "Well, he can just tell me about when he gets back," she sighed as they walked through the front doors of the school and walked over to their lockers. "I hope you're okay," she whispered to herself as she grabbed her stuff and headed off to her first class with Eddie, hoping that Jerome would be back home soon.

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