[Chapter Sixty-Three]

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As the next day rolled around, both Amelia and Jerome were still reeling over everything that had happened over the course of the past three days. Amelia had no idea how she was going to be able to face Jerome at breakfast. She still felt a sense of betrayal mixed with a lot of guilt, and a small dash of fear that if Jerome had worked for Rufus once, what was stopping him from working with him again? If you asked Jerome that very question, he would have one solid answer: Amelia.

Down in the boy's room, Jerome was pacing back and forth in front of his bed while Alfie finished up in the bathroom. Eddie's words had practically been imprinted in his mind. Eddie's little speech kept replaying over and over again in Jerome's head, and he was racking his brain trying to figure out what it all meant. What had Eddie meant when he told him that Amelia had turned people down because in the back of her mind it was always going to be him? His thoughts were stopped short when Alfie burst into the room, "Bathroom is all yours, but I'd hurry because Fabian looked like he was getting ready to head in." Jerome slowly nodded his head as he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and headed for the boys shared bathroom.

Meanwhile, up in the girl's room, Amelia was quickly grabbing all of her books, hoping to make a quick escape. She knew she couldn't avoid Jerome forever, but she was hoping to just get a little more time to herself so that she could collect her thoughts. Unfortunately for her, as she rushed down the steps and toward the kitchen to grab a snack, she ran into something very hard. "Crap I'm so sorry," she quickly spoke as her eyes traveled up and landed on Jerome. They both stood there for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say.

Amber was the one to break the silence when she bounded down the stairs, a large smile on her face. "Ooo have you two finally started talking to each other again?" They both slightly glared over at her, neither of them happy that she had mentioned the obvious non-communication between them. Amelia grabbed her bag that had dropped when she ran into Jerome and headed into the kitchen, not saying anything to the two people she had just left in the hallway. "What, did I say something wrong," Amber pouted as she walked in behind Amelia.

Amelia and Amber walked into the dining room to see Alfie having a major freak-out over the clearly empty table. "No, no, no, no what is this?" "An empty table," Amelia joked as Alfie continued to ramble. "Exactly Edwards! There should be stuff here! Right where this table is there should be food," he whined as he pointed angrily at the empty table.

"Where's Vera? It's not like her to be even ten seconds late for anything," Nina wondered as Fabian just shrugged his shoulders. Alfie dramatically held his stomach while Amelia dropped her bag by the door and took her seat at the table. "Maybe she's taking a sick day," she suggested. "I'm going to have a sick day if I don't get food in me," Alfie whined again.

"Maybe we should go and see if she's alright," Fabian asked right as Trudy walked into the room. "Morning Trudy," Amelia smiled, happy to have her back at Anubis House safe and sound. Trudy smiled back at her as her eyes grazed over the empty table. "Oh, no Vera? I'll make breakfast! At-least I can remember how to do that." "Ooo, let me help Trudy," Amelia exclaimed as she practically jumped out of her seat and headed toward the kitchen. She felt majorly guilty about what her father had done to her and wanted to make up for it in whatever ways she could.

"Trudy, you should be resting!" Alfie stopped Nina before she could continue on. "No, it's a great way to recover. Ya know familiarity, and pancakes and so on. Trudy you remember how I like my bacon right?" "Burnt to a crisp," Amelia joked as she stuck out her tongue and held up the package of raw bacon.

Amelia was already mixing some pancake batter when Victor walked in and told Nina she had to go see Mr. Sweet. As she headed out, Victor noticed Trudy and Amelia in the kitchen, clearly making breakfast. "Uh, where is Vera?" They all shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders causing Victor to head back upstairs in search of her.

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