[Chapter Forty-Nine]

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"You saw Senkhara down there, didn't you," were the first words out of Amelia's mouth as they walked up to the girl's room. Nina shyly nodded her head as her and Amelia sat down on their beds. "Wait Amelia, I heard you muttering something while we were walking back. Is everything okay?" Amelia sat there for a second before she remembered how she never got to tell them all her theory.

"Oh, yeah. I was trying to tell y'all that I think the reflectors are specific items. I mean did we really think Robert would make it easy and make the six reflectors a simple mirror?" Nina shook her head, "I guess not." "Exactly, so they're probably specific things in this house. I was thinking they probably have a symbol on them. I don't think that whole falcon mention was just about the constellation we have to form." "You think they all have a falcon symbol on them?" Amelia shook her head, "Exactly!" 

"Amelia, you're brilliant! We'll tell the others tomorrow." Amelia shook her head and then headed back downstairs to help Vera get ready for dinner, making sure to watch out for anything with a tiny falcon symbol on it. 


Dinner came to a quick end and then they were all off to bed. "Goodnight ladies," Amelia called out as she pulled her blanket over her head and drifted off to sleep, another dream waiting for her right around the corner.


Amelia was sitting in her room, a chest in front of her. "Go ahead Princess, pick out whatever you want." Amelia smiled as she began to root through the chest, pulling out a few things that caught her eye. 

"Be careful not to hurt yourself," she heard his voice call out behind her as she picked out a beautiful piece of glass, a small bird in its frame. "Can we have a tea party," she asked as she grabbed a ratty doll and a small cup and placed them in front of her. "Sure, but don't you want some music," he asked her, pushing her to continue to pull things from the chest.

She let out a small giggle as she grabbed a beautiful music box from the chest and opened it so that music would play from it. "We have to make sure we don't go too long Princess." She let out a low sigh as she went back into the chest and grabbed a small watch. "Perfect," she heard him say as a bright light came out from the middle of the table, blinding Amelia in the process.

The only thing she could see was his smiling face looking down at her, "We're almost there Princess."

*End of dream* 

Amelia woke up in a daze. This was one of the first house dreams she had that she couldn't decipher. She knew it had to do with the task, but she just couldn't figure it out. 

Amelia got up and got ready for the day, before meeting everyone else downstairs for breakfast. She walked in halfway through their conversation and perked up when she heard her name. 

"Amelia thinks they're each going to have some sort of bird symbol on them; the falcon takes flight." "Exactly," she smiled as she grabbed an apple and sat down next to Alfie. "So, we hunt the shiny stuff," Amber smiled. They all nodded their heads. 

"What does the dollhouse say in its usual unclear dollhouse way," Amber asked them. Fabian let out a small sigh, "Nothing, yet. What we really need is a clue as to where the reflectors might be." "Nina what's wrong," Amelia asked as she noticed the look on her face. "I don't know. I keep thinking I've seen this bird symbol before, but it's like I can almost picture it and then it's gone." 

Nina paused before speaking up again, "Wait, what day is today?" Patricia let out a small laugh before answering her. "Tuesday, why?" "I'm meant to go visit gran with Trudy! I almost forgot!" "You had a lot on your mind. Anyway, if she knew the truth, she'd tell you to hurry up, find the mask and get yourself un-cursed, or else," Fabian smiled, trying his best to reassure Nina. 

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